Saturday, October 25, 2008

eating and boredom

A rainy cancelled, activities postponed...lots of home time. Boredom sets in (hey, you can only watch just so many reruns of Friends) and you find yourself wandering over to the fridge to see whats begging to be eaten. about the Halloween candy that is in your cubbard not opened yet??? Is it calling you by your first name?

Whether it be a snow day, a rainy day or any other adverse weather condition that places us for long periods of time in our homes, we must be careful not to give in to the temptation of treating our boredom with eating high caloric food sources.

If you have exercise equipment in your house, try to use this "down" time for more caloric burn-off. Do not venture over to the refrigerator for snacks in bewteen meals. Certainly, avoid small repetitive food sources such as nuts, popcor, trail mix, etc.

And if you go out to a movie theatre, NO POPCORN!!!

Have a great Saturday

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Hubby and I watched the sun come up on the shores of the Outer Banks this morning. Sorry to hear it is raining in VA. We are here to celebrate my birthday on a hiking week-end! Heading out for a walk on the beach and then some hiking trails. Hope the weather holds out.