Monday, October 13, 2008

Exercise and weight issues in females

The following article:

shows in a study that overweight females avoid exercise for several reasons including self-consciousness, fear of injurt, minor aches and pains.

A viscious cycle is set up when a person is overweight...lack of exercise because of the obeisty worsens the weight problem further, resulting in even lesss ability to exercise. Conversely, when one starts losing weight, a positive cycle is set up: when the person starts losing weight, there is less pain when exercising, less self-consciousness about being seen in work-out garb etc. This increasing exercise will alloow the person to lose even more weight.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for recommendations for exercise no matter what yourweight is. Embarking on an exercise program will pay off huge health dividends for you.

Changing topics: gloating from me about the Skins....their two wins on the road were amazingly surprising ...yesterday was a trap game...they will be okay...Tonight...GO G-MEN!!!!

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