Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weight loss and Libido

A very senstive subject that is very difficult for patients to bring up to their physicians is sexual dysfunction. For males. there is a distinct difference between the desire for intimacy (libido) vs. the inability to achieve an erection (erectile dysfucntion or "ED"). Medical problems such as diabetes, athersclerotic heart disease, and adverse medication side effects may cause either or both sexual difficulties.

Obesity in and of itself is a very large contributor to both problems as well and we have found that when male patients lose significant weight, both libido and performance improve dramatically. Perhaps some of this is psychological, as our self-esteem, confidence and ego improve tremendously with weight loss.

On the female side, we have had many reports of libido increase on the serotonin supplement, and it is not clear to me as to whether it is the weight loss itself or serotonin enhancement that provides the libido increase. Perhaps it is both.

In any event, whether female or male there is no doubt that weight loss can enhance and enrich sexual performance and desire. Yet another reason to count those calories and realize that those "treats and goodies" such as cookies and chocolates can be sexual milk-DUDS.

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