Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weight loss and body measurements

We are in Ft. Lauderdale at a primary medical doctor convention and we are at the GE booth with their INBODY scale which is the body measurement device in our office.

Just monitoring weight and no other parameters as a person is going through a weight loss effort does not provide a complete picture. Showing the person how the percentage body fat and lean muscle mass is chnaging provides more comprehensive data which is helpful to the person psychologically. Sometimes the number of the scale does not change drastically, yet the % body fat shows an impressive decline.

I encourage everyone that was previouslty in our program to periodically come out (once a month) and get your INBODY scan. There is absolutely no charge for this service. Set this up as an appointment on your schedule so you feel as if you are going to a doctor's appointment. This may provide some sort of "accountability" which always helps in weight loss efforts. By stopping in once a month for this scan, if by chance the weight or body fat unfortunately went up significantly, you can stay for a one-time appointment to help you get back on track. This would prtevent anyone from going out and putting lots of weigth back on.

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