Sunday, April 12, 2009

weight loss and hereditary issues

In the Washington Post this week there was an article about "good fat" that when present, results in more thermogenesis...i.e. the burning of calories. Those animals with a higher % of this type of fat had better weight control. The article went on to suggest that researchers are working on ways of inducing this type of fat development in people via either an injection therapy protocol or perhaps an oral pill.

I am not certain that this will result in a major impact in weight control in the near future but it does point out the genetic nature of so many issues, including weight control. "Metabolism" seems to be somewhat inherited as I am sure you know of people who can ingest 2X the amount of food you do, yet they have no weight issues at all. Most certainly, genetics do play a role in weight control, so it is not just the environmental issues, but also internal chemical issues. This is frustrating for many people because it just doesnt seem "fair" that some have to work so much harder at controlling weight than others. However, there is LOTS of room to go on the environmental side, so even if you feel that the genetic cards are somewhat stacked against you in your weight loss efforts, you can still most certainly intervene aggressively on the dietary intake part of this.

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