Sunday, April 26, 2009

One full year of blog entries

I noted that today is my 365th blog entry. A full year of writing my thoughts, my obeservations, and abstracts from our patients' experiences that may be helpful insights along the way of trying to lose weight. Recently, I have become quite militant in querying my patients as to whether they are reading this daily. When the answer comes us a "hummm, well, I try..." I cut them off and say..."you know...i am writing this pretty much every day (please excuse yesterdays travel day as a miss) so I expect my patients to read it every day!

Okay, before you go off thinking how full of himself Posner is that he expects his writings to be amazing, life-altering, revelation-provoking prose, let me just say this: One of the things I have learned from seeing thousands of patients atempting to lose weight, is the more they think about their challenging issues, the more successful they will be. As soon as we stop thinking about it, we will revert to old behavior patterns, and you and I know those are not good patterns for losing weight or keeping your weight off. To lose weight, one must think, plan, organize, face the challenges, etc. I am trying to use this blog to get into my patients' heads everyday...just giving them a thougth or two that may provoke them to think more about their strategy for controlling their caloric intake that day if not that week. When you are in your formal visit stage of our program we see you once a week, have a weigh-in, discuss that weeks challenges, etc. You feel accountable and you feel the support. When you leave the program visits, we want you to feel that same senastion of support and accountability. Between my blog and my staffs chat room with daily entries from Robin and Joanne,we are trying very hard to stay with you on this...even when you leave your visits. This is what separates ourt program from all the others out there...we are offering support systems that are part of what you already paid memberships, additional fees, etc.

So, that explains why Posner jumps on you when he finds out you log on daily to the internet but do not take the 1 minute to read the blog and chat. These can be incredibly helpful for your long term weight control..make use of them please!!!! Please feel free to post comments, make recommendations for subjects etc. I/we would LOVE to hear from you. Now, on to my next 365 days!!!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

I am here every day and thank you for taking the time to write this blog. Some days you definitely hit subjects "right on" that I need to hear. Funny how I can actually hear you speaking the words in your New York accent! Keep up the good work.