Sunday, April 19, 2009

Looking Younger

I am presenting at the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine meetings in Orlando at the end of this week. I am discussing how the 3:4 defense is better than the 4: 3 in NFL football. No, just seeing if you were paying attention. I am discussing weight control. The physicians attending this conference specialize in "anti-aging". For most people, this usually means the external changes that may occur...wrinkles, skin changes, hair changes etc. Clearly, internal aging means the development of atherosclerosis, degenerative joints and other maladies that seem to occur as we age. As I was reviewing my slides for the talk, it once again drove home the point that there is nothing that more powerfully "anti-ages" the internal organs than weight loss. So many disease processes that lessen our life span or produce morbidity are realted to weight issues. It is amazing to also see the external anti-aging that occurss with weight loss. Our patients look incredibly younger than when they started when significant weight loss occurs.

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