Monday, July 14, 2008

Weight Loss and Having An Activity Partner

Often, the thought of exercising alone is distasteful and we will find reasons why not to do it. If we look at exercise as "I will do everything I have to do today and if I have time to exercise, I will", exercise will not be a routine.

If you cannot find a human partner to exercise, and you have no allergies to dogs, having a canine walking or running partner will push us to walk or run daily. The dog will need to be outside to do its business several times a day, and they will LOVE to be walked, run or played with. Having this be a requirment (unless you want your house to smell like a kennel) this will enforce you to take those walks as well.

I do need to dedicate this entry to my dog, Sammy, who I need to put peacefully to sleep at 1230 today. Sammy is a very loving yellow lab that I have has for almost 12 years and arthritis is robbing him of his ability to live a life without pain and suffering now. Sammy and I used to run together at Burke Lake Park, come rain or shine, cold or hot. When we would go outside my house with a leash and I would say "Sammy, wanna go to the park?" he would immediately run to the car and wait for me. At that time this Middle Age crisis doctor dude was driving a corvette and sammy would hop into the seat barely fitting his hed into the car. Looked pretty funny. Sammy would bark meanly at strangers approaching the house, yet despite the protectiveness, he was incredibly sweet to all who entered the house as an invited guest. He loved the young ladies in my office who would occasionally watch him when we would leave town. In many ways, he was like a brother to my children Brian and Kim and when I was gone on business at night, he became Ellen's guardian and protector.

For those of you who have dogs, I know you understand the reason for me writing the above. For those of you who do not, please excuse the dog-talk and I promise a return to human issues tomorrow.

Sammy, I saw a cartoon movie years ago when the kids were small called "All Dogs Go To Heaven". I believe Bert Reynolds did one of the voices. There is no question you will be running at the park with no pain this afternoon and my suspicion is that there will also be plenty of pizza places! I will miss you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For those of who can't run, but simply enjoy a good long walk in our neighborhood or park, I heartily agree, Bob. Sammy was my walking buddy, and a friend who would listen when no on else was there. This one is for you Sammy and entitled "Faithful Friend."

Always faithful,
Four legged friend.
Unbound devotion,
You'd oft expend.
Your playful smile,
A welcome sight.
Your protective sounds,
Dispelled my fright.
You'd ask for naught,
Save love and care,
Small twigs of kindness,
Short time to share.
Our friendship's ties,
In stone were cast,
In memories sweet,
Your life will last.

You will be missed by many.