Saturday, July 5, 2008

Weight Gain....Confronting a Difficult Week

First, I hope your 4th was a very happy and relaxing day for you and your loved ones.

Oftentimes, we have patients at our weight loss centers who cancel their followup appointments when they have a difficult week previously in losing weight. Whether it be a holiday, a birthday week, a vacation, etc., if the person knows they have gained some weight, there is frequently a compulsion to cancel his/her appointment. Why? It would seem that this would be the exact time to follow-up , get "refocused" and start moving the scales down again.

I believe this phenomenon has to do with a psychological issue of not wanting to "disappoint" the doctor or be looked at as some sort of "failure". Additionally, perhaps there is also some fear of being "admonished" for "bad behavior".

In reality, the team and I NEVER are disappointed, judgemental or in any other way upset with any of our patients for gaining weight. We are here to support your efforts in losing weight and realize there will always be weeks much more challenging than others. NO ONE goes through our program and does not have several weeks in which some weight gain occurs.

Okay, let's bring up some gender/style differences that may play a psychological role in the perceived response on our part to a week in which a patient gains weight. I, being the gray haired white coat stethoscope bearing doctor, am probably more apt to be looked at as a "father" figure (no jokes about grandfather figure) and perhaps I will be more intimidating to see than Linda and Elizabeth, or may be perceived as more nurturing and supportive in their roles. When a patient has a weight gaining week and I walk into the room, I often hear a sigh from the patient, nervous laugh and perhaps a joke such as "oops....I was hoping it wouldn't be you".

I truly never get upset, disappointed or in any other way, look at a person who has gained weight that week as some sort of "failure". I am THRILLED they have come back to allow us to get them refocused, back on course and into the "zone" again. I certainly see it as my role to find out what factors may have caused the weight gain, help them analyze the situation(s) in order to futuristically navigate around difficult weeks without gaining weight. I realize that in the big picture, a patient's time with us is miniscule, and for the majority of their lives, they will be in the position of monitoring and reacting to their weight issues on their own. We need to help the person be successful by helping them learn new patterns of eating and self-accountability.

On the "In case you are wondering note but you probably are not" note: Played real well on the clay courts yesterday!!!


Unknown said...

I've been a patient of Dr. Posner's on and off for a long time and I would just say that even when I've had a terrible six months and come back to see Dr. P. weighing ten pounds more than I did, I ALWAYS leave his office smiling and proud of myself and feeling better than I did on the way in. Sometimes I just tell myself: all you have to do is walk in the door of Posner's office and that'll be your big victory for the day, that'll be your step towards health.

Robin said...

I have been seeing Dr. Posner for about 3 weeks now. I have been beyond THRILLED with the way it has changed my life in such a short amount of time. I can really relate to this post because my last visit on July 5th was a far cry from the week prior in which I lost 5 lbs (this was my first weigh in since my consultation). On that fateful July 5th appointment, I was crushed to discover I had only lost roughly 1.7 lbs. I tend to set goals for myself before these appointments and I was really hoping to lose 3 lbs that week but Dr. Posner really set me at ease and did not punish me for having 2 Michelon Ultra's at my in-law's house on July 4th. In fact, I felt it motivated me more to come in next week and aim for that 3 lbs goal again. I went into this program knowing that I needed to invest in myself and make a good solid lifetime commitment to finally be at a weight I can be proud of and the "ultra light beer" was a gentle reminder of one of the many factors that got me to being overweight in the first place. With my next appointment coming in a couple of days, I am excited to discover today that I can finally comfortably fit into my "skinny jeans"!!!!