Friday, May 15, 2009

Walking vacations

Top of the morning to you...

I know I have covered this subject before but I am now living it, so let me discuss this again. If you are in a weight losing mode and choosing vacation ideas, pick a place where the food is not the main attraction and walking lots is part of the trip. Face it...lots of us pick cruises because of the spector of a great eating experience...or "all inclusive resorts" because of the incredible amount of booze and food you can consume for the same price.

Here in England, the food kind of sucks (sorry for being such a stuck up American) and we must have walked miles and miles yesterday seeing such fun places as the Tower of London and the place where the Queen lives.

Last night we took a walking tour following the famed Jack the Ripper's murder spree learning lots of hypotheses and facts I never knew. They think he may have been a doctor because of the precise nature in which he removed organs of his victims. (He clearly could not have been an internal medicine physician because we suck at surgery.)

Anyway, the point here is that there is no way this type of vacation will cause weight gain. (Unless you drink all the beer that I see being consummed in the middle of the day outside the pubs by working do they return to work???)

If you have a choice of vacation spots, pick the ones where the sights and history are more abundant than the food and pina coladas!

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