Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving "Leftovers" Suzanne pointed Friday is December 5th and that is most most definitely the day of our anniversary party...5pm till ??? Karioke....hear the staff sing!!! (and we get to hear YOU sing!!)

Lots of food left over from yesterday's feast/ Take stock of what you wrapped up and put in the fridge...if it is protein, great job and enjoy the remains of that turkey, ham, etc. If you put away the remnants of that apple pie, sweet potato casserole, etc., be very careful NOT to start snacking on these. Tendency is to take small little spoonfuls, thinking we cannot possibly damage our weight loss goals by just taking a little. But you and I know, that "little" turns into a lot.

As my son Brian aptly pointed out to me last night, lots of these blog subjects are being repeated, but I do think it is important to keep hammering home certain points. The next few weeks can be treacherous to your weight loss would behoove you to not dig into the leftover high-carb foods.

Have a great time shopping!!!!

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