Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Recession and Weight Loss

I read the Washington Post every morning and over the past number of months, there had not been one issue that doesnt hold doom and gloom. From the stock market swoon to reading stories about how companies that have received bailout aid from US ( is our taxes) continue to hold retreats, lavish their CEOs and waste money. I believe I talk for most of you reading this blog that no one comes to our "aid", meaning that we all work hard, earn our money, and we all find the necessity to not spend more than we earn. And if we did, there would be no one handing us money to "bail us out".

So, what does this have to do with weight loss? The answer is two fold: first, when under stressful situations such as the current economic times, the tendency is to start doing stress eating. This of course solves nothing, other than making us less healthy. It sure doesn't change the state of affairs. Secondly, it is clear that you and I will have to work longer than expected (laughing...perhaps I meant "you", not me, cause I will only stop working when they have to cart me outta here horizontal..I love this place) and we better make sure that we do not have a heart attack stroke or some other serious illness that will prerclude us from working those extra years. Putting weight on because of stress eating will lower our life expectancy and certainly put at risk our years of work futuristically.

Check out Linda's blog at: It has some excellent insights that may help you ward off the compunction to stress eat.

Sorry for the pessimistic entry this morning but I was just reading about another AIG issue. If I had a donut here I would eat it, but I don't so off to the treadmill I go.

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