Wednesday, May 28, 2008

weight loss and reward systems

Had a patient tell me yesterday that she rewards herself at every 5 pound weight loss increment by buying herself an extra pearl that goes on a bracelet. I loved that concept...she is striving for a bracelet full of these pearls but will only allow herself one pearl at a time based on her weight loss success.

We, as humans, are driven by reward systems. Least you doubt that, look at how much more motivation we have to achieve benchmark results at work if a money bonus is based on reaching certain goals. Unfortunately, we have often used food as reward systems...have a hard day? grab a few drinks to relax. Difficult week? go out to a very large dinner. Think about how we reward our children..."if you are good, I will get you ice cream..."

Learning how to reward ourselves and others with non-caloric reward systems is an important step in gaining control of our individual and collective weight problems.

Another issue: article in the Washington Post today about childhood obesity perhaps turning the corner. Several professional opinions in the article about this not being the case, i.e. the problem seems to be getting worse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so right, Dr. Posner. I've been working so hard this week that each day after work, all I could think about was what kind of reward is there at the end of the day. So what did I do? Some days ended with good choices and some were not good choices. I appreciate your comments and look forward to more. thanks,