Thursday, May 22, 2008

Infomerical Experts

I was running on the treadmill this morning and flipping channels and came across a very recognizable infomercial guy pitching his book about natural weight loss remedies. This guy has been a staple on these 30 minute tv commercials for years and has been on the Times best seller list with his previous books about health things "they" dont want you to know about.

Further investigation into this guy's history documents previous jail time for viloating FTC issues as this relates to making false product claims. This guy has made tens of millions of dollars hawking products on these infomercials...compelling stories about supplements that prevent cancer, cure diabetes, etc.

Point here is this: be very careful about so-called "experts" you see on these tv infomercials, especially the ones purporting to have special secrets about losing weight. There is no magic pill, supplement, book, etc. that provides some miraculous easy weight loss. Weight loss is question about that. One needs to count portions, make wise choices, include some exercise, etc.

And, please think carefully before ever buying a supplement or book you see hawked on these infomercials. Lots of deception.

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