Sunday, January 4, 2009

Womens World Article

Thanks Suzanne for this nice compliment!

We were disappointed in the article because we were hoping that it would discuss much more about the concept of stress eating. Somehow, the discussion seemed to get to "belly fat" and that somehow our dietary plan speciifically targets belly fat. Obviously, weight loss will cause fat loss from all areas.

I know our marketing consultants will not want me openly discussing this topic, but is just my blog, right? I laugh at some of the stuff I see touted on these magazine covers..."Miracle cures"...."10 pounds of weight loss in 1 week"..."astounding results with little effort"...all the hype and glamour that sell magazines. Reality? bulls--t. We all know there is no simple solution...we all keep hoping that there will be some easy, quick fix to our weight issues, but I have yet to see it. Pills from pharmaceutical companies, hyped diet plans, magazines that purport to have the secret inside (and you can buy it for just $1.79!!!). Our book is on Amazon right now and I see other weight loss books...all have an angle...all have catchy pictures...but reality? You have to eat less calories to lose weight and most of the foods we love have high calories. Weight loss requires working at it...yes, there are some helpful hints that are available to learn from us as well as others....but you still have to work. The work is worth while!

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