Sunday, September 7, 2008

weight loss and looking younger

Good sunday morning..hope the weather did not disturb your weekend plans too much and certainly hope you didnt do the "hunker down" mentality of playing lots on the kitchen yesterday...

Over the past several weeks, i have seen some patients who enter our program who seem somewhat embarrassed that their main reason for being here is the desire to look younger, improve their confidence and self esteem, and otherwise feel more attractive.

The "politically correct" answer as to why someone should lose weight usually is the health answer: "I want to be healthier". To say "Iwant to look more attractive" sounds vain or otherwise superficial.

I strongly believe that people deserve to feel AND look their best and if in their minds, being thinner makes them happier with their own appeaarance, then this is a very good good as lose the weight. So, if you ever feel ashamed of having a priority for your weight loss efforts be aesthetics, please do NOT feel this way. an aside, on a whim last nite I took the gray out of my hair with one of those pharmacy bought hair coloring things...I do not look any younger but i sure do look like I had a close encounter with a shoe polish bottle!!!! If you see me wearing a baseball hat at the office, you will know why now....

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