Monday, July 7, 2008

Weight Loss and Setting Goals

Even though we are always telling our patients that losing weight should not be viewed as a "diet plan" but more of a lifestyle change, sometimes it does help to establish some goals and timelines. For instance, when a person enters our program because there is a wedding coming up in 2-3 months, that person has an incredible motivation to lose weight by a certain date. The problem in this example though is that when that date passes, it is analogous to the sprinter who crosses the finish line: The person stops, relaxes and in the case of the person losing weight, will go immediately back to the old behaviors that got them into weight problems originally. But, during the program, that person does demonstrate incredible focus and concentration to reach their goals.

How can we somehow take that same focus and determination, but yet not see a "finish line"? Perhaps establashing some (non caloric) reward systems along the way may help. Massage therapy, new item of jewelry, a new clothes outfit, etc: all of these could be motivators to stay focused.

Please establish realistic goals and timelines. As we get a bit older, we cannot maintain the same weights we did when we were in our twenties. Also, always remember that the goal is to not just lose the weight, but to maintain that new, healthier weight.

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