Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Weight Loss and Having Support

I know we have touched on this before but the entry of two women into our program made me think that this is a good topic to be broguth up again: Support with another person in your weight loss efforts. When embarking on a weight loss initiative, having someone join you in these efforts can be invaluable in reaching your goals. Often, friends and family are well-meaning sabotours who will try to push food and alocohol on you during your efforts. Having a friend or family member join you allows you to mutually feed off each other's energy to make the right choices and not be distracted from your goals.

I saw how the ladies yesterday had already set up supportive walks with each other, exchanging recipes, scheduled talks with each other daily to encourage each other, etc.

It is difficult to approach an overweight friend or coworker about weight issues because of the sensitivity of such a topis. However, think of it as actually helping prolong the life and quality of life for someone who is important to you. Having support in your efforts can be very helpful.

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