Wednesday, March 11, 2009

weight loss and failure

Just got back late night from our New Jersey grand opening launch event in Bergen County. It was very successful...lots of attendees and great interest. This morning I noticed a posting comment from a patient of Dr. Cho's who asked: "How do I handle it when all my co-workers are eating lots of stuff around me and what happens if I fail?"

Concerning the first issue, "control" is a very large part of any weight loss strategy. When we feel that we lose control, it is virtually impossible to follow the dietary intake necessary to lose weight. You can bring your meals/snacks to work or if there is a workplace eatery, pick the choices that are proteins and vegetables. On Sunday, write out your mealplan for the week and "script" this so you have a good gameplan. If others around you are choosing an unhealthy life-style and choose to remain overweight....feel tired, not feel happy with themselves, etc..why shoudl this affect you? YOU take control of your life and by doing this, you will he healthier and happier. Concerning "failure", that is NOT going to happen if you follow our transitional dietary plan. POSITIVE thinking is very important as well. You WILL lose weight and look younger, have higher self-esteem, look more youthful, be healthier, etc.

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