Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Take care of "YOU"

When you travel on the airlines and the flight attendant gives you the canned preflight instructions you are told that if cabin pressure drops and the oxygen masks come down, you should put the masks on yourself first, then help your children. The reason for this is that if you do not keep yourself awake and strong, you will not be in any position to help your children or anyone else around you that does need your help.

Okay, what does this have to do with weight loss??? The answer has nothing to do with not eating the bag of peanuts. The analogy here is this: If you have let your weight become problematic because you are too busy taking care of your family, taking care of issues at work, taking care of everyone else's issues, then you have put yourself in a precarious health situation. Not paying attention to yourself may result in an unhealthy situation which puts you at risk for a number of very dangerous medical problems. And if God forbid, one of those problems occurs, you will be in no position to help your children, elderly parents or anyne else that still depends on you. So, the message of the day: TAKE THE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. This means thinking about your own dietary needs to lose the weight, making time to exercise, planning your meals etc. This is not being is a necessary step to ensure that you will be there in the future.

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