Friday, May 7, 2010

weight loss and pleasing others

Thanks agian Brown Sugar 722 for the very insightful of the points was about "pleasing others" when it comes to food intake.

We have all been in the situation of feeling that we want to please, or even not offend a person offering up some high-caloric food sources to us. Whether it be a dinner gathering at a friends or some function involving realtives, we will often have offered up to us some high caloric food source and to say "no" is akin to insulting our relative or guest.

This is something we have to readjust our mindset is not "selfish" for us to follow a path to health and happiness, and derailing food sources will get in our way as a barrier. Not that you have to get angry at the person, but quite frankly, it is relatively insensitive for the friend or relative to proffer up a hjigh-caloric food source if it is pretty easy to see that weight control may be a problem for us.

Do not feel that you "owe" anyone the need to eat foods that will harm you. Politely say "no thank you".

1 comment:

brownsugar722 said...

Your blog is great Dr. Posner. Reading it helps me reaffirm my weight loss goals every morning. This is the first weight loss program where I have been successful - it has given me freedom from food addiction. I realize that the most difficult part of losing weight is relearning eating habits. I ate to be social. I ate for comfort. I ate because I was nervous or bored. I ate just because the food was there. I am learning to step back and say, "OK, I won't eat for those reasons, but I will eat for the one reason I should: when I'm hungry!" It isn't that I am no longer anxious or in need of comfort, but I want to deliberately make better choices. That's hard, as the underlying triggers for overeating don't change; you just learn to manage them.