Thursday, May 27, 2010

weight loss and focus

First, please do not forget to put Saturday, June 19 2010 3PM on your calender....we will have a really fun time at our Charity Fashion Show/Patient Appreciation Day. We are asking people to donate clothes that do not fit anymore. From professional to leisure clothes, your donations will be greatly appreciated. We will provide free snacks, great music, entertainment and of course our Fashion Show. Bobby McJeys at the National Harbor right over the Wilson Bridge near the Gaylord. YOU ALSO GET A FREE VISIT FOR SHOWING UP AND MAKING A CLOTHES DONATION!!!

I want to discuss the word "focus" as this applies to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. The gaining of weight requires no effort or focus whatsoever....basically pay attention to everything/everyone else in your life and you will find the weight going on. To lose weight requires focus...focus on your meal planning, focus on the avoidance of the derailing food sources, focus on scheduling exercise time, etc.

How do we maintain and NOT lose focus? Writing your weight down once a week next to your scale at home will allow you to see the reality of the weight situation...either good or bad. Try to think several times a day about how much better your life would be if you lost the weight you desire. Team up with someone/others who are on a similar mission to become healthier and happier by achieving weight loss. Buy a really great outfit that would look great on you at your desired weight and ha it prominently visible in your closet.

Focus on "you". Do not allow outside forces to make you lose this focus.

Weight loss requires focus

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