Monday, January 25, 2010

weight loss and the Drive Thru Diet

A patient of mine from the Pittsburgh area informed me that there is a big promotion going on in that area involving a number of fast food restaurants. The promotion is entitled 'The Drive Thru Diet" and there is some sort of competition to see which of the fast food places can help someone llose the most weight while eating their food.

Okay, time for Posner to start going off about this...When you track the exponential rise of obesity in this countyr, it parallels completely the growth of "fast food" restaurants in America. From the types of meat they use, to the mammoth portions, to the asccompaniments (fries, chips, cookies, sundaes etc) these places are CONTRIBUTING greatly to the declinign health of America. To think that they can be of help is ludicrous. These places are huge money makingh corporations that care less about your health. They gear their commercialw to low income groups that are more obese than the general population to begin with. They advertise with their alliances with kids movies to compell the children to beg their parents to bring them in so they can receive the promotional toys/gifts.

To think that a healthy nutritional pattern is focusing on going to fast food places is erroneous and dangerous. Shame on any radio or TV station for promoting this concept.


Deb Smith Cook said...

I'm on the Blog (for the first time!) while I'm eating my cottage cheese at my desk -- still not the best solution -- but better than hitting the "drive through diets" downstairs at the Food Court. The convenience of "drive bys" is compelling and with a crazy, hectic schedule, it's hard not to be sucked into the convenience BUT with just a little advance planning, I can put cottage cheese and no-fat yogurt in the refrigerator here at work and save both time and money.
BTW -- I put May 22nd on my calendar -- now that I know what it is. Deborah Smith Cook

Susanne said...

Oh yes, the new drive-thru diet is Taco Bell. But they do have a disclaimer that "results are not typical"..isn't that surprising!
Instead of the drive-thru we practice the drive-by diet!