Wednesday, January 13, 2010

weight loss and planning

First Eric....please call our office or e-mail Julia the Registered dietician for individualized questions concerning the dietary plan....thanks!

Yesterday one of my very busy professional patients was lamenting that she didn't have the time to have lunch because of a court appearance and often it is difficult for her to get snacks in.

My suspician is that most of the people in the d.c. area have very hectic schedules regardless of their professions. Between work and family duties there is precious little time to prioritize themselves and their eating schedules.

I suggest on the one relatively quiet day of the week (Sunday?) you take the time to sit down with a large piece of paper and pen, and plan out your week in adbvance. Write down each day, think about what you need to do that day, and then write out your plan as to how you get the three meals in and snacks that are conducive with our plan. Just like the football coach who has his first 15 plays scripted, plan out your week in advance and follow through with that plan.

We often get into trouble when we make food decisions on the go. We will often make the wrong decisions as this relates to losing weight.

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