Sunday, January 31, 2010

weight loss and metabolism

We all have noticed that over time, our metabolism seems to become slower and slower. Personally, I went off to college 155 pounds and most definitely ate at least twice as many calories (and drank many more times alcohol) then I do now, and I am about 20 pounds heavier. Additionally, I now exercise every day, and when I went off to college, exercise was more like an intramural softball game. For women, it is incredibly more pronounced as to how much metabolism slows down. This affects almost everywoman, but is most notable in women who have gone through pregnancies.

What can de done to ramp up the metabolism? First and foremost is challenging the GI tract with small amounts of food (high protein especially) frequently...i.e. NOT skipping meals and getting proper snacks in during the day. NOT eating later at night also seems to have a positive effect on metabolism. Regular exercise seems to also benefit the overall metabolic rate.

There is nothing we can do to slow down the calender aging , but there are most certainly things we can do to slow down the adverse metabolic effects of aging. Metabolic slowdown does accompany calender aging but we can all do things to minimize the effects.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

weight loss and conferences

Greetings again from Orlando...

The conference is a cosmetic surgery conference....physicians who specialize in making people look better....every break, social function etc is catered with high-caloric snacks, foods and alcohol...the very food sources that make Americans overweight.

It is difficult to attend conferences and NOT derail your weight loss efforts....Planning is important and seek those food sources in restaurants that are high protein and low carb. AVOID alcohol!!!

Yes, challenging but it can be done...sip on a tonic water as opposed to an alcohol beverage at those nighttime networking functions...

Catch hyou from VA tomorrow

Friday, January 29, 2010

weight loss and physicians

Good morning from Orlando...supposed to be sunny and 75.....(alright, all of you STOP groaning)

re: question about laser liposuction.....seems safe...but always remember...this is NOT a weight loss is a resculpturing procedure.

We are on the show floor of a cosmetic surgeons conference meeting physicians and explaining our weight loss program to them. There are MANY booths of laser lipo, injectable botox and other chemicals, skin lasers, etc....we are one of only 2 booths devoted to weight loss and th other is some HCG shot/500 calorie a day plan....

How can it be that the nation's largest medical issue that is killing hundreds of thousands of people per year is represented at a show like this by only two booths and there are well over 100 of the other types of fields, all cosmetic with really no "health" benefit?


Insurance companies do not recognize weight loss programs and for a physician, sucking fat or injecting botox makes lots of $$$$ compared to sitting down with patients for behavior modification discussions. Also, for many people, the "outside" appearance is more important to them than the "inside". Cosmetic procedures may help psychological issues of poor self-esteem and such but it doesnt rid the person of diabetes, hypertension, heart attack risk, cancer risk etc. Weight loss does it all, but yet physicians do not feel motivated to become involved, not because they do not want their patients to be healthier, but rather because the system does not reward doctors for taking the time to become involved.

Americans are going to be buried financially and physically by the obesity epidemic, and aside from the government, we as phyicians need to play a more active role. No offense Jenny Craig, but physicians are better positioned to really help their patients lose weight and keep it off.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

weight loss and appearance

We are in Orlando now at a cosmetic GYN doctors conference.

First, we flew AIRTRAN yesterday and I cannot believe how tight the coach seats are...I had a patient in our program once tell me that one of the great senstivities of her being overweight was fear that she would not be able to fit into an airline seat and as some airlines have smaler seats/seatbelts than others, she would not fly certain airlines. For an overweight person, this airline yesterday would have been very difficult.

The doctors we are meeting today specialize in cosmetics...liposuction, laser hair removal, botox, etc.

It must be remembered that liposuction is NOT a weight loss is a body sculpting procedure. Liposuction does not make people healthier or lessen the need for blood presuure or diabetic pills.

Weight loss makes people younger inside AND out....there is nothing that you can do to make yourself look younger and healthier than to lose weight. Sometimes doctors forget this point to...our profession is much beter trained to treat disease states rather than prevent them.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

weight loss and incentives

Thanks Ellen for sneding this very interesting link:

Basically, Whole Foods is putting an incentive policy into place that rewards their employess with a "healthier" status to get a higher discount on foods they buy at Whole Foods. There are several parameters that will be looked at including cigarette smoking, BMI, cholesterol levels. People will be divided into 4 groups based on their cumulative health score on these issues and then their discount will range from 30% in the "healthiest" category to 22% in the least healthy group.

The weird thing about this is that the supposedly least healthy group will be less encouraged to buy the foods that Whole Foods is known for...fresh vegetables, organnic foods etc..the foods rthat may lower the BMI.

Reason for this? Whole Foods spent over 150 million dollars last year on healthcare costs for their workers and the CEO says this will only continue to rise if people do not become healthier..

Your thoughts on this? Mine: We, as human beings, are driven often by incentive systems. Least you doubt that, just see what happened with the Cash for Clunkers program, the lines on Friday at 5AM after Thanksgiving, etc...we LOVE incentives and are motivated by them.

I believe that if outside incentives were put into place for us to become healthier, we would. But how far can this go? Tax incentives if you have a normal BMI? Bonuses at work based on BMI? A very controversial topic and I am very interested in your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weight loss and Americans

First, thanks Deb and Suzanne for the comments....

I saw an article yesterday that quantified how much americans walk yearly compared to europeans: Americans walk 87 miles per year and Europeans 237.

One of the things my new-to-america european patients tell me is that when they get off the plane in America the first thing they notice is: "Oh my God, I have never seen so many overweight people!"

Germany is known for their beer, France for the pastries, Italy for the breads and wine...and yet Europeans are much thinner than Americans....why???

Well, one answer is the above study about walking patterns. We Americans tend to drive much more than walk. Obviously, much of this is necessity as perhaps in Europe, jobs, shoppping etyc may be much closer to the residences. However, there are many times in which perhpas we can walk instead of drive somewhere.

Another reason: portion control.. Europeans are amazed at the portions served here in restaurants.

Yet another reason could be the incredible number of fast food restaurants in the states. Europe doesnt even come close.

If there is a chance to walk some as opposed to driving, take that opportunity. Your long term weight loss goals will be helped.

Monday, January 25, 2010

weight loss and the Drive Thru Diet

A patient of mine from the Pittsburgh area informed me that there is a big promotion going on in that area involving a number of fast food restaurants. The promotion is entitled 'The Drive Thru Diet" and there is some sort of competition to see which of the fast food places can help someone llose the most weight while eating their food.

Okay, time for Posner to start going off about this...When you track the exponential rise of obesity in this countyr, it parallels completely the growth of "fast food" restaurants in America. From the types of meat they use, to the mammoth portions, to the asccompaniments (fries, chips, cookies, sundaes etc) these places are CONTRIBUTING greatly to the declinign health of America. To think that they can be of help is ludicrous. These places are huge money makingh corporations that care less about your health. They gear their commercialw to low income groups that are more obese than the general population to begin with. They advertise with their alliances with kids movies to compell the children to beg their parents to bring them in so they can receive the promotional toys/gifts.

To think that a healthy nutritional pattern is focusing on going to fast food places is erroneous and dangerous. Shame on any radio or TV station for promoting this concept.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

weight loss and other companies

I guess when you jot down thoughts daily one finds him/herself writing more about things that set off a negative reaction than other things that are positive. When you watch the TV newsshows with all the talking heads...same thing: Always hammering things as opposed to giving kudos.

Well, this morning I am going to NOT bash any companies like fast food places, supplement marketers and others that make Americans less healthier and scam their wallets.

Concerning weight loss efforts, companies like Weight Watchers that rely on people eating REAL food (as opposed to packaged meals and meal replacements) offer Americans a very good behavior modification with group support to help achieve their weight loss goals.

Many of my patients tell me about web applications where they imput their exercise, foods they are eating etc and they can track their caloric intake and caloric burnoff. These applications cost nothing and provide great feedback to patients as they pursue their goals.

Many physicians do spend time with their patients to try to explain caloric-restrictive dietary efforts to help their patients lose weight. Some actually employ nutritionists to provide support to their patients efforts.

So, this morning Posner takes his hat off and sends kudos to those companies, physicians, politicians and others that really do care about the nation's largest health concern. Thank you for being part of the solution!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

weight loss and exercise

If you knew that 5 times a week, you could show up somewhere and receive a free relaxing massage for one hour, most people would find a way of arranging their schedules to be able to be at the exact place and time to receive that free massage. Whether it be business or family obligations, schedules would be arranged to accomodate the massage appointment. How about exercising 5 times a week for an hour? Many people find numerous reasons/excuses as to why they couldn't fit in the exercise to their very busy day.

Bottom line: a massage feels great when you are receiving it. Working out does not. We often find reasons why not it does not fit our schedule to exercise.

Try to find exercise venues that are not abhorrent to you. Some people loathe treadmills. Do not force yourself to do anything you do not like. Many people like exercise classes. For others, finding a partner to hit the walking trails is a more social outing that at the same time burns calories. A number of people enjoy the Wi fit program.

Exercise is an important part of a long term weight control strategy and finding a way to fit this into your schedule will pay dividends as fae as your efforts to be happier and healthier.

Friday, January 22, 2010

weight loss and restaurant choices

The weekend usually means some diversionary fun times, and for many of us, a meal or two out is something we ook forward to. When youy are in a weight-losing mode, it is important to not only make the right choices in the restaurant, but it also is very helpful to choose the right type of venue that is compatible with your plans.

As success for long term weight loss requires an emphasis on proteins and vegetables, most restaurants offer many compatible choices. Appetizers of seafood or salads followed by a large protein dish with vegetables are easily found at most restaurants.

It is the "peripherals" that can demage your entire week of hard work on becoming healthier and happier. Peripherals? The predinner alcohol, wine with dinner, bread and butter brought before the food, the potatoes that are a part of the main dish and of course that ultimate dessert tray choice.

Buffets?? Fuggetaboutit....They test the very fabric of human nature..avoid them!

You can go out and have a great time and stil make those choices that keep you on goal. Check out the restaurant menu on line and even think about the choices before you go. Losing weight requires plan to go to a restaurant that allows you all the fun but not all of the calories. And do NOT give into the pressure of others at the table to share a dessert!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

weight loss and friends/familial support

I heard several stories yesterday of patients who went home recently for the holidays and were barraged with gifts of candies, cakes, and other high-caloric foods. These came from family members who knew their relative was in a weight losing mode.

I have many patients tell me that they specifically do NOT tell their friends about being on a weight loss effort because they fear the friends would intentionally try to sabotage their efforts.

When you take a step back and think more about this, in the case of family members I have a hard time believeing that they have any true intention of hurting you/your efforts but rather, using food is a source of showing love and nuturing. In the case of friends, I believe there is a jealousy factor involved, meaning that if you are successful in becoming healthioer and looking younger, this may point out even more the unhealthy look and lack of willpower in the friend(s) trying to do the sabotage.

The bottom line is we should all help each other in the mission to become a healthier and happier nation. Help your relatives and friends by having alternative food and drink sources at your house that would be conducive with your/their effort. NEVER implore people to "oh, you must try this dessert I baked for you..."..."Oh come on, a little piece of the birthday cake can't hurt you..." SUPPORT people around you and seek their support. It will make all of us more successful in our efforts to be healthier, look younger, and feel better about ourselves.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

weight loss and the government

This is not a political blog so I most certainly know that what I think about last night's election results is not pertinent to a blog about weight loss. What I will say is that I think over 99.9% of the people in the United States (me included) have not gone through thoroughly the thousands of pages that contain the new health care bill that the House and Senate have crafted that will impact on all of us in many ways. From the trillions of dollars it will cost to affecting your choice of who you can see and how long it may take to be seen, etc., this will have tremendous impact on the delivery of healthcare and before this is signed sealed and delivered, I think the American people need to understand much better what is about to be signed.

I now I sound like a broken record (for those of you over 40 who know what a record is and what a broken record reference means) but if the government took a more active role in reversing the obesity trend in America, we would have all the money it would take to insure the uninsured. From mandating that insurance companies to cover weight loss efforts to actually putting up weight loss centers in underprivileged areas, reversing the grwoing obesity epidemic will markedly decrease expenditures on hospitalizations, doctor visits, and medications.

We are very used to thinking about how to treat disease states when they occur and do not think often enough about how to prevent thosse diseases. Lowering obesity rates in this country will save billions of dollars...and the government would be wise in becoming more aggressive in these efforts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

weight loss and the internet

The internet in many ways epitomizes the human condition. This great technology allows for instant communication with your friends and loved ones, obtaining information about politics, health etc in an instant, being able to book your own airline trips, shop etc. An amazing technology created by some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever seen. The very best of humanity. And now flip to the other side: the biggest industries on the internet? Porn and gambling. Identity theft, fraud, scam businesses, etc...another element of the human condition uses this great technology to hurt people.

Often, I have patients come in perplexed by conflicting medical information they receive off the internet. Purported studies that show certain medications they are on are dangerous to them to certain testing that they should be having. The internet provides a wealth of information, sme of which is right on target and some way off.

Concerning weight loss,, you are often bombarded by popups trying to tell you about miracle weight loss pills. The ads are quite convincing and compelling and it is very tempting to take out that credit card and buy. BEWARE!!! Just as recent as yesterday there was a news expose about some supplement being sold from overseas on the internet that has been having many serious side effects associated with this.

Use the internet to research the medical issue that is of concern, but please make certain to check with your physician before purchasing any medication or supplement.

Monday, January 18, 2010

weight loss and outside motivation

I am now seeing many advertisements for Valentines Day. A very important holiday for companies that sell cards, flowers and candies. Spouses and boyfriends/girlfriends (okay, politically correct time: BFs-BFS and GFs GFs too) exchange gifts and cards as signs of love, caring and affection.

Controversial subject and I would like yout thoughts: How much of your weight loss efforts is becasuse of your motivation to physically look more attractive to your significant other? There are obviously many reasons why we want to lose weight, but most of them are "self-geerated" issues. Becoming healthier, lessening your chances of significant disease processes, feeling better about your self -image etc. However, for many, they do care wjhat others think about their "looks" and especially the siginficant other.

I am interested in your thoughts: How much does this play a factor in your weight loss efforts?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

weight loss and injections

I have been asked several times over the past month or so about the utility of HCG injections for weight loss.

There is a certain local medspa in town runnign radio ads touting HCG injections as a way of "losing 5 pounds a week."

What is HCG? It is human choriogonadotrophin hormone. Under normal conditions that is manufactured by the placenta in a gestating mother. Initially, the HCG pproduction is low but as the pregnancy progreses, the HCG levels rise. This is actually what is tested for to confirm the diagnosis of a pregnancy. The number willl also tell you the approximate duration of the pregnancy.

What does this have to do with weight loss? HCG does have some metabolism effect on fat, but most certainly has not been used in this capacity for any length of time.

Is it safe? I am not certai n it has been around long enough uin this usage to comment on the safety. Does it work long term for weight loss? Answer: If not accompanied by permanent life-style changes as this relates to eating and exercise, the answer is of course "no". Is the HCG being administered in a safe manner by competent medical professionals?

I am not going to knock anyone elses business. (Okay, maybe I will slightly). "Medspas" in most cases are businesses owned by a non-medical person. By law, they are required to have a "Medical Director" oversee and sign off on the procedures performed at the spa. The actual day-day work is being performedby nurses, nurse practitioners and other non-medical doctors.

If a problem occurs when the office is close, who do you call? My bet is that the "Medical Director" who is almost never on site is not very reachable after hours. Unlike the agenda of a medical practrice that is there wirth trained experienced staff to handle your medical needs as well. Medspas tend to refer you right back to another doctor for any medical issues that arise.

The bottom line: I do not think medspas should be in the weight loss business because they are nt set uo to provide the long term medical and psychological support necessary to help with long term weight control I suppose they are great at shooting botox, perhaps liposuction and other "procedure" oriented activities but the area of weight loss is NOT an HCG shot sverral times a week. Behavior modification and life-style changes are the answer.

Remember at all times that if anything sounds "easy" in the weight loss arena, be suspicious.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

weight loss and medications

Last night we attended our first Serotonin-Plus party....a gathering of friends of one of our patients who were interested in learning more about our program. Jessica and I had a really fun felt like a town hall meeting without any political rancor!

One of the people attending the gathering was a person who had been in our program previously. She and her husband lost a significant amount of weight and she shared with the group "before and after" pictures. The changes aesthetically were astounding.

The part of her story last night that made me more proud of the program's results was her statement that her husband was able to discontinue the majority of the medications he had to take prior to his weight loss. Hypertensive and high cholesterol meds were able to be stopped. She also said he stopped snoring in the first week!.

From the reduction of sleep apnea to improvement of acid reflux and joint pains to the reduction of the risk for serious cardiovascular events and cancer, losing weight has an incredible impact in a positive manner on health. Listening to a personal story in a social setting was incredibly gratifying for us.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Weight Loss and Helping Friends

Tonight we are attending our first Serotonin-Plus House Party! What is this? Well, our thought is that people in our program often get asked "how are you losing all this weight?" We receive many 'word of mouth" referrals into our program and we wanted to find a way of thanking our patients who do refer us patients. For those patients who have a fairly large circle of friends, we offered up our appearance at their house one evening to discuss our program to their friends who may have an interest in weight loss. We come in with healthy snacks and one of the staff and I then come in and explain our program. If any of the friends sign up for the program, we reward the host of the party with 2 free visits. Kind of a "Tupperware" party but it will be weight loss instead!

Addressing weight issues with friends or family is very senstivie. EVERYONE has at least one if not many more people who are important to them who have weight problems. It is not very easy to just go up to the person you care about and say "You probably need help in losing weight because your health is at grave risk." However, it is the csase that their health is at risk and if you continue to see a friend or loved one exist at a very unhealthy weight, perhaps there is a way of addressing this in a non-insulting, non-hurtful manner. Certainly, being a role model yourself in addressing your weight issue is always the best form of inspiration.

As you are becoming healthier and happier with your weight loss, consider helping the people around you by hosting a Serotonin-Plus Party! I will report tomorrow how this goes but I think it is going to be incredibly fun.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

weight loss and clothes

The primary motivation for weight loss for most people is the improved health ramifications. Less chance of heart disease, diminished chances of diabetes, less risk of certain cancers, etc.

One of the aesthetic benefits of weight loss is getting back into those clothes in the closet that did not fit at the higher weights as well as being able to buy more form fitting and stylish clothes.

Over the past several days, to my (wonderful) surprise, we have been receiving a very positive response and high interest levels in many patients about participating on our springtime Serotonin-Plus Fashion Show. We are asking for people to "strut the runway" wearing an outfit that did not fit them before their weight loss but now looks great on them. Yesterday, a patient became animated saying that she has a gown picked out for her child's wedding and is striving to be able to get nicely into the gown, and will walk the runway with this gown at our event. Once again, this will be a wonderful charity event as we are asking people to donate thier clothes that do not fit anymore to a charity that specializes in ensuring that people in need will get those clothes.

Yes, losing weight makes us much healthier physically...but one of the great emotional/psychological benefits is being proud to wear the clothes that make you feel special!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

weight loss and planning

First Eric....please call our office or e-mail Julia the Registered dietician for individualized questions concerning the dietary plan....thanks!

Yesterday one of my very busy professional patients was lamenting that she didn't have the time to have lunch because of a court appearance and often it is difficult for her to get snacks in.

My suspician is that most of the people in the d.c. area have very hectic schedules regardless of their professions. Between work and family duties there is precious little time to prioritize themselves and their eating schedules.

I suggest on the one relatively quiet day of the week (Sunday?) you take the time to sit down with a large piece of paper and pen, and plan out your week in adbvance. Write down each day, think about what you need to do that day, and then write out your plan as to how you get the three meals in and snacks that are conducive with our plan. Just like the football coach who has his first 15 plays scripted, plan out your week in advance and follow through with that plan.

We often get into trouble when we make food decisions on the go. We will often make the wrong decisions as this relates to losing weight.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

weight loss and fluids

Anonymous commented yesterday asking about the use of sparkling water vs. regular water and the effects on weight loss results.

This question prompted this morning's entry about fluids in general.

In our program we recommend at least 64 ounces of water per day. Othef fluids, such as diet sports drinks, sugar free iced tea, diet sodas, etc are also allowed as part of the program.

Many people ask about diet sodas. Lots of stuff on the internet about cancer risk and aspartame. Some people do better with caffeine intake..more alert and energetic. I have read noithing in the medical literature proving that caffeine causes any significant risks, although certainly some people respond with faster heart rate, increased urination and breast cysts sometimes are worsened by caffeine.

For many people plain water is "boring" for lack of a better word and does not provide the certain "kick" that the caffeine diet beverages offer.

First: I do not see a difference between sparkling water and plain.

Second:Try to keep the diet sodas to a minimum...perhaps one a day. Iced tea? fine....not much restriction required. Crystal lite and similar drinks? Limit to 2 a day. Coffee? perhaps 2 a day.

Water is what we are made of...water is the fluid of choice

Monday, January 11, 2010

weight loss and food combinations

Hey...sorry about not posting something yesterday...went to Atlantic City with my son and brother and by the time I got back, put on the football games, etc. I became a slug. Am I forgiven? Not that my lack of an entry ruined anyones Sunday! Laughing....

Okay: I noticed something when I was at the restaurants this weekend. We are always used to ordering foods off the menu that are THEIR combinations. Hamburger AND fries....Steak AND mashed potatoes....Teriyaki chicken OVER rice....

Here is the issue: don't be afraid to change the offered combinations. Ask for steamed vegetables instead of the starch. Do NOT order the special menu deal that offers up a desssert as part of the package. Most restaurants are happy to make special combos for you so ask the waiter for the combination of food that makes most sense for your weight loss efforts.

And I promise not to miss next Sunday!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

weight loss and clothes

First, Suzanne,,,,NOT late.....please send those pearls to our staff via e-mail:

Second , MM: GREAT about the size change for you...amazing....AND this brings me to the subject of the morning and a really FUN event we are planning and asking for help on....this one is really fun so please keep reading!!!!!!!!

When people enter our program, one of the great motivators, especially for women, is the desire to get back into the clothes that used to fiit or be able to buy clothes that are more form fitting. Many patients describe a closet full of beautiful clothes that do not fit anymore and a major motivation to lose weight is the desire to get into those clothes again.

Clearly, losing weight places us into new sizes and we feel so much better about ourselves when we can attend events, work, nights out on the town, or other wearing that smart, sexy outfit. Even the guys like when they can put on that dress suit or bathing suit and feel better about their look. comes the fun part....The FIRST ANNUAL SEROTONIN-PLUS FASHION SHOW FOR CHARITY

Here goes.....We have had so many patients lose lots of weight and they tell us how wonderful it is to wear that favorite dress, workout attire or other. We are inviting you to be a particpant in a fashion show. AND this will be an event that will do so much good for the community.

PLEASE participate!!! Whether if be that really nice business suit you are now wearing, a ball gown that you were able to fit into nicely or other, we want you to attend our event and in be introduced as someone who lost lots of weight and now can wear that sharp outfit. ALL AGES, MALES AND FEMALES, EVERYONE IS INVITED TO BE A MODEL AND/OR A VIEWER!!!!


We are plannign the event for May or June, date to be determined, and we are selecting which of the clothing drive charities is the best one to work with. We will hold this at the Springfield Country Club and provide healthy (and some unhealthy) drinks and food. We want to use this event to inspire others about how weight loss can help achieve a higher level of self-confidence AND also help out people who would benefit from the clothes that no longer fit you.

We will be sending out more info VERY soon about the date. PLEASE be a part of this....this will be all in the spirit of great fun...Donna and some other staff members will be walking the runway that day! Okay, even the old Doctor guy may strut the runway to some music. JOIN US!!!! We will have a great time, inspire others and give to a great cause. Help us help others!!!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

weigth loss and commercials

I know I have covered this topic before but here goes again....and this is prompted by the barrage of commercials hitting us now.

Companies know how to push our buttons to get us to take out our credit cards and buy. They prey on our weaknesses often. One of our huge major weaknesses is the search for "easy" weight loss.

In january, weight loss companies know that for many, the new years resolution is to shed pounds. You are seeing tons of Nutrisystems commercials, Subway and the infamous "Cookie Diet". The last one really galls me. The commercial makles it seem that you can lose lots of weigth by "SIMPLY" eating their cookies. Give me a break! What they show in the commercials are people who were primed to lose lots of weigth (most liely paid lots of money to do it) and then they get on and tell you how "simple" it is...just eat cookies. Do they mention that you must also portion control other food intake? The commercials imply that eating the cookies themselves results in weight loss.

Subway? Good old Jared. Why doesn't this Man of the Year explain why every Subway worker pushes the combo meals of chips, adding cheese to their sandwiches and then have those chocolate chip cookies staring you in the face at the check out counter?

Losing weight is WORK. There are no simple panaceas to this national health crisis. Portion control, limiting carbs, eliminating alcohol and exercise are all required. This is reality. Eating cookies is not.

Do not be scammed!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

weight loss and health

Yesterday I had a patient come in for her appointment bearing a copy of laboratory blood testing that she recently had at her physician's office. She happily pointed out a marked decrease in her serum triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar that occurred since she began the weight loss program. At one point her physician was recommending medications but now the numbers are not even close to requiring medical intervention.

Weight loss has an incredible positive effect on a number of issues that can affect our health. High lipids leads to the clogging of arteries, which in turn, leads to an increasing risk of stroke, heart atack and peripheral vascular disease. Lowering these numbers lessens your chances.

It is great to see this on paper, so if you have not had recent testing on your lipids or sugar, get this done. This will produce a positive psychological impetus to keep full steam ahead with your efforts.

Receiving positive feedback about your aesthetic improvement that accompanies makes you feel great but also seeing the physiological improvements is another motivator.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

weight loss and work stress

First, in answer to your inquiry Gaye, the serotonin supplement is compatible with Weight Watchers or any other type of dietary plan.

Yesterday I had a medical patient describe an incredible amount of stress at work. The person is overqualified for the position and many co-workers are jealous and antagonistic. Moreover, she maintains an excellent physical condition and there most likely is a great amount of jealousy from a number of her female co-workers. Due to the stress of this situation, she has been skipping meals, not taking enough calories in and her medical presentation was because of weakness and headaches.

A few people respond to stress by NOT eating. Most people, including your good doctor, often start reaching for food sources when we had a stressful day at work. For many, coming home from a stressful day results in the immediate reach for several alcohol drinks to relax.

Try as best as pssoible to NOT "medicate" stress with alcohol or high-caloric food sources. When you rationally think about it, if you start gaining weight because of this impulse/stress eating, you will only feel more stressed because of the weight situation.

Perhaps a workout and burning off calories, pumping weights or other physical activities can dissipate stress in a more healthy weight. Alcohol and food sources only temporarily ease stress, but the long term effects will only stress you out further.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

weight loss and sensitivity

Yesterday we had many new patients enter our program and many of our established patients braved the scale results to visit with us. I use that word "brave" because many people will cancel their weekly appointment if they have gained weight. That is the exact time to come on in, but there is a psychological downer about getting on the scale and feeling that you are disappointing uswith a less-than-optimal result. Of course we do not get upset with anyone if weight gain occurs. We are YOUR support and here to help you. We NEVER value-judge, act stern or in any othjer way make you feel poorly about a difficult week. We are there to help you get back on track and start getting back into the zone again and see those scale results come down.

Many of my patients told me they received as holiday bgifts cookies, candies, etc. Many of these gifts were from family members and friends who knew the recipient was in a weight losing mode. Sabotage for sure!

I would ask that all of you be judicious in your gifts to others who may have weight control problems. Also, if you are a parent and your child is already showing early signs of weight control issues, do NOT make dinner choices McDonalds and other fast food venues.

Be sensitive to others' weigh control needs, and especially if they are your loved ones, think hard before recognizing them, rewarding them, "treating" them with calories. You are hastening the development of serious edical problems by literally feeding into their problem.

Monday, January 4, 2010

weight loss and 2010

Okay, the first day back to the regular routine after weeks of holiday celebrations. If you got on your home scale yesterday there is a deent chance you are not happy with what you see. This is normal. People gain weight during holidays.

I want to reassure everyone that if weight gained occurred, this is NOT a problem or a source of embarrassment. If you are not in our program visits now, and weight went up, pick up the phone and call us. Often, people feel embarrassed about "needing our help" but absolutely no embarrassment factor shoudl take place. We are here to help you!!! If weight loss was easy without help, 67% of the American population would not be overweight. If you need a few "tune up" visits, call us and come in.

The average weight gain in America is 7.4 pounds from Thanksgiving thru New Years. If this happened to you, please let us help you. Er are your resource for weight loss and can help you jump start your efforts to become healthier and happier.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

serotonin, seasonal affective disorder and weight

For many people, we are about to enter a very difficult time of the year. When the holidays are over, decorations down, no time off to look forward to, cold dark morning ahead of us for months, may people feel melancholy. This is referred to as "seasonal affective disorder" ("SAD").

Part of the causation of SAD is that during the winter months, our serotonin levels are less than the summer. Reason? When sunlight hits the retina, this causes more serotonin production in the brain. During the darker months, we manufacture less serotonin. Aside from the mood issues, often our eating will also change, craving those carbohydrates.

Solution: Take that serotonin and stay in the mental zone of counting your portions and following our dietary plan. Keep plenty of light on in your house and remember that sprin and summer are not too far away!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year to all of you...I most certainly wiah each and every one of you and your loved ones the very best of health and happiness.

The Christmas trees and decorations are coming down and we look and the mirror and say: "Holy S--- I cannot believe I have gained so much weight...My New Years Resolution is to start a diet and lose weight".

How many times has this happened to all of us? By far and away , losing weight is the most common new years resolution.

But here comes Posner again warning about that "D" word again..DIET....

To lose weight and keep it off, a LIFESTYLE change is warranted...NOT a diet When we think "DIET" we think a short term strategy for losing weight...a start date AND the end date...usually some fad diet as well such as Atkins.

Please mentate through and examine the lifestyle you follow and what elements may contribute to a chronic weight problem. Evaluate each of these factors and think of solutions as to how to change those behaviors to a more healthy pattern. Take the time to write these rthings down so you can comprehensively see what parts of your lifestyle you can change to become healthier and happier.

Once again, a very Happy New Years!!!!