Monday, October 19, 2009

weight loss and "ME" time

First, good morning..second, yes, i am stll VERY upset about the Giants getting their butts kicked in New Orleans....their defense looked AWFUL. I think I could have put cleats on and looked better than their linebackers.....oh well, things could be worse, I could be a Skins fan (oops...just p---ed off lots of readers..sorry!)

Second...some VERY insightful comments yesterday and I would encourage you to read these....they help me learn more about how to help people. and I think they may help you as well.

As I was driving to work this morning listening to the traffic reports about this delay here and that dealy there, I started thinking about all the people who sit in traffic and have to wasted hours a day....then at work for hours..long commute home..prepare dinner, attend a soccer practice, help with homework, then bedtime and the next day begins. When do people get "ME" time? I am referring to the ability to take the time to think about thermselves...exercise, plan meals, snacks, relax with a good book or watch a movie.....when does this time happen? If it doesnt happen at all, it is so easy to see how the quickest and easiest "me" time is eating a fun food source.

Finding "me" time is a very important element to long term health. Sometimes it seems impossible, but perhaps if you think things through, there may be an ability to shift some things around to create some "me" time. This is not is imperative for long term good health


memarsha said...

I like the idea of ME time...but I find that I need to sacrifice something to get it. Sleep is the one thing that tends to go by the wayside. If I want to watch a TV show, read some chapters in a book, or even exercise, I end up going to bed later or getting up earlier to do it. I know this is not ideal, but I have found that rising at 4am to exercise has actually made me a happier person (and I LOVE my sleep). Now, I don’t go through the entire day mad at myself for not exercising, I also get it out of the way since there is no way it can be fit in after a hectic workday. So a question I have is….how many hours of sleep does an adult truly need --- since my sleep tends to be truncated to get in the much needed exercise?

Susanne said...

I am definitely in need of ME time. We are still out of town (Boston area) watching over my mom. Been here over 4 weeks. We thought things were going along fine and then she took a fall last night and we had to get her to the doctor this morning. She has bruised ribs and will take some weeks to recover. After spending days setting up health care and different agencies to do in home we are about worn out. It had been pretty much 24/7 for the first 3 weeks we were here. Didn't leave much time for "me". But sometime life gets in the way and something else becomes the priority. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to get to a computer once a week. I can take a few minutes to catch up on blog which I really enjoy. Kind of brings back the focus on what I need to be doing.
Sponging off relatives for a bed to sleep in and catching a healthy meal when we can, I'm beginning to feel like a gypsy. I'm hoping for a few days break to get back to Virginia later this week. I definitely need a what I call a mental health break.
One of the best things we've seen was the Patriots playing in that blizzard yesterday...GO BOSTON.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susanne... can somewhat relate to your events. It looks however that all this came as a surprise. My husband not so long ago had a planned surgery (so a little different) but it too involved him at the hospital for a week.

Hospital was out of town so I stayed with him. Before leaving, I grabbed one of my aerobic bands (they look like a big rubber band that you can put your foot in one end and hand through the top end). I basically did a lot of resistance pulls while sitting in chairs or at hubbie's bedside. It served kind of two purposes for me.. mini workout anywhere, anytime and stress releaver.

One other thing I did whenever husband taken out for tests.. I walked the hallways and sometimes found an empty stairwell and went up and down a few times. May seem strange but always felt better knowing I took breaks to clear head and just move a little. I hope you have someone that can spell you for even just a few minutes a day. And also hope you see improved health for your mother. :)