Sunday, September 13, 2009

weight loss and TV ads

Good morning.,..

Some of the best adverisements on television that help us get more patients are not the ones we is the incessant commercials from fast food places and other restuarants that entice people to eat their "fun" foods....but it is exactly these food sources that contribute to the growing obesity epidemic in America.

Yesterday, I was astounded to see a Taco Bell commercial which showed some HUGE concoction of beef, cheese, fillers, and other stuff wrapped in this tortilla thing...and all for 89 cents!! 89 cents??? Are you kidding me??? You could feed a family of 4 on that type of food for less than 10 dolllars. Then comes the "meal deals" advertised that make us feel like a dummy if we dont include the chips or fries and soda.

Some of the sit=down restaurants offer up "unlimited fries" and I watched the football game at a place Thursday nite which ha the pitch : "ALL YOU CAN EAT WINGS AND UNLIMITED BEER" for 25 bucks.

Beware of marketing hype and I strongly recommend that you stay away from fast ffod places and "unlimited, all you can eat" places.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. One of the worse things is to turn on the TV and be bombarded with food commercials of all kinds. I am trying my best to concentrate on my life change diet and when I finally settle in for a night of entertainment it is really annoying to see all of these things on TV. It is almost as if our culture has developed around food.
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