Monday, March 9, 2009

weight loss and restaurants

This weekend we went to dinner with some friends and one of the ladies is in a weight losing mode. The menu at the restaurant did not have a dish that she felt was compatible with her dietary plan, and she asked the waiter if the chef could prepare a special fish dish for her. GLADLY they said...and then went on to bring out a wonderful dish that was completely in synch with her needs. Point here: do not be afraid to ask for a specially prepared dish if the menu doesn't contain choices you are happy with. Most restaurants (especially in these difficult financial times) are happy to accomodate your needs.

On a separate note: I am in New Jersey attending a grand opening of a Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Center that is opening in a Bergen County GYN doctor's office. Dr. Cho and her staff are very enthusiastic and they are going to help lots of people in this Northern N.J. area lose weight. Tomorrow nite they have a "Launch Party" and I have been asked to be there to discuss the program to a number of their prespective patients. We now have physicians in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Southern Maryland and now New Jersey doing our program! It is really fun for me to see our program expand to help other people outside the D.C. area. The really cool thing ("cool"..what a term from the 70s) for me is that my personal participation with the national expansion is limited allowing me to be right where I want to my Burke clinic taking care of my medicine patients and Serotonin-Plus patients. Be back tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I am one of Dr. Cho's "prespective patients" and nervous about starting the program. How do I handle my co-workers eating everything and I don't? What happens if I fail?

What comes with the program?

Anonymous said...

If you really want to lose weight go to: