Saturday, February 14, 2009

weight loss and Oprah

I must admit that I have never watched the Oprah show. I see many news items involving her and the show/magazine/appearances etc. Her great popularity must be secondary to her ability to "connect" to her audience on many levels. Although I do not follow the show, when checking out of grocery stores it seems as if every magazine chronicles her weight conrol struggles.

One of the groups now doing the Serotonin Plus Weight Loss Program is running television commercials for the program in the Massachusetts/Rhode Island area and they are running the tv spot during the Oprah show. I spoke to the marketing person from the group and she told me that they are getting an excellent response from that commercial. (You can see the commercial at: ...look under "See us on TV" on the home page. We run the commercial locally on newschannel 8 and the Mass. group dubbed the end with their numbers/contacts.)

Oprah Winfrey is a very successful woman and has resources beyond all of our wildest imaginations. She can, if she so desired, have personal training sessions hours per day, chefs to customize meals for her, personal assistants who can shop for her and plan her meal schedules, other assistants to handle other mundane daily tasks, etc. So how is it possible for a person with these vast and limitless funds not be able to control her own weight? Furthermore, if someone like her cannot do it, how is it possible to control weight for the person whose day begins at 530, gettng kids off to school, then to work for an entire day, then to the children's soccor practice, then home to make or pick up dinner, then helping with homework, then to an exhaustion-induced sleep then the alarm rings again to begin the cycle again?

The answer is that we are all humans and we share a number of similarities no matter what our resources are. People who are prone to chemically-induced carb cravings, stress eating and other behavior patterns that lead to excessive weight have a very difficult time changing these behaviors. Intellectually we know that eating high-caloric food sources does not "solve" anything, but we find ourselves at times in the midst of compulsive behavior patterns that are somewhat self-destructive. Whether it be a person with a billion dollars or one who lives from paycheck to paycheck, breaking deleterious eating patterns is very difficult. By thinking about these issues, reading this blog, recording your food intake in a diary, finding a support buddy trying to lose weight also, coming into our formal program when you need the help of the medications and weekly visits...there are many ways you can make your weight loss a high priority and win the war over instinctual/chemical imbalances/learned beahaviors that sabotage our goals to be healthier and happier.

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