Sunday, March 14, 2010

weight loss and priorities

First, thanks John for finding us in cyberspace....we do have a tracking system on this blog whivh lets me know exactly who reads this blog so if you start missing it, we will know.....laughing...nah....teasing you.... business: I want to discuss "priority"....

Every day we make decisions on what we are going to do that day, who we are going to interact with, what monies we are going to spend and where we will spend it...we basically develop a priority list of things that need to happen first, second, third and so on..sometimes we are multitasking and doing lots of things at once, but most certainly if something is of very high priority we will do what it takes to accomplish this fitst.

Okay, lets talk about our health....if God forbid some major illness struck, our entire lives would be tunred upside down. Things that seemed important sucha s a stock market drop or anger at a news event would seem completely and uttterly meaningless. When we have our health in good order, these smaller issues will take priority.

Making our health a priority is something that is incredibly important, yet seems to all too frequesntly take a back seat to other issues that should be a much less priority. Satisfying an urge for a high-caloric food source should be a very very low priority yet often it comes at the head of our list. Instinctual in nature? Chemically driven? Perhaps. Yet, I urge everyone to make health your highest priority because if you are healthy, you can be there to address all of the other issues on your priority list.

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