Wednesday, February 24, 2010

weight loss and planning

This week I had several patients whose week was challenging in the weight loss arena because of a very hectic schedule. These patients found themselves making "decisions on the run", meaning that there was no meal or exoercise planning involved, so they would up making quick food choices and no exercise. That is a formula for weight gain.

Planning your meals and snacks is a very important part of a long-term weight loss strategy. I suggest that you take the time, on your quietist day of the week (Sunday?) to sit down with a piece of paper and plot out your week. For instance, if you know that a certain day will involve travel, what snacks will you bring with you? What eating facility in the airport can deliver a high protein/high vegetable meal? If you need to attend a soccor game that ends late, what type of dinner will you have?

Write down each day and PLAN how you will approach your eating activities. A small amount of planning will go a very long way in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

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