Sunday, February 28, 2010

weight loss and physicians

I had a long discussion yesterday with a family practice physician who will be bringing the Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program to her practice in Boyton Beach Florida. She has many friends throughout the state of Florida who have their own family practices, and she was telling me that none of them have an interventional program for weight loss. She is a young family physician and her residency program was less than 2 years ago.

I trained in internal medicine almost 20 years ago and we received ZERO teaching about nutrition/psychological aspects of weight problems/how to help people lose weight. We were trained how to manage disease states...not how to prevent them. To hear that years later, the similar concepts occur in training programs amazed and disturbed me. To this day, physicians are receiving little to no training on how to help people lose weight. As mentioned ad nauseum in this blog, weight problems lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths yearly in the United States. How is it possible that there EVERY primary care physician does NOT receive formal training on helping people lose weight?

The growing epidemic of obesity is killing Americans prematurely, and I most certainly hope that medical schools and residency programs start focusing on the most important health problem facing America.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

weight loss: start and stop

Yesterday I entered two very nice medical assistants into our program who are roomates. They are excited about "starting" our program. They asked however if they can "start" in several weeks. The physician they work for, a wonderfully talented, prominent and charismatic physician will be starting the program with them, but the physician is traveling for two weeks and they wanted to coincide their efforts. I strongly recommended to the medical assitants that their efforts should begin immediately.

I often have patients ask me, when entered into the program on a Thursday/Friday whether they can "start" on Monday. Why? Thoughts about shopping for the compatible food sources, clearing the house of tempting high-caloric snacks etc. However, I think that subconsciously many people equate "dieting" with punishment, sacrifice and deprivation. It is not fun, burdensome and a nasty chore...and like most nasty chores, we would love to delay it as much as possible and then "end" it as soon as possible.

From a mindset standpoint, we need to adjust our thinking to NOT think of losing weight as a nasty chore but rather as a great thing to expedite our way to happiness and health. Looking younger, feeling better, higher self esteem, lessening our chances for life-threatening diseases...all of these are a GREAT outcome and anything that gets us there is a wonderful thing.

So, although there needs to be a "start" for these efforts, this start should be yesterday, not some date in the future. End? No such thing...we need to achieve a permanent life-style change that will maintain this healthy and happy weight. We need to rid ourselves of the concept of "diet" that starts at a time not to ruin our weekend plans and "end" when we have achieved our goals.

Friday, February 26, 2010

weight loss and age

I was speaking with a Florida family practice physician yesterday and she has a practice wih mostly Medicare-age patients (65 and above). We were discussing weight loss programs and I informed her that the avearge of of our Serotonin-Plus patients are 48 (females) and 45 (males). We do have a number of patients over 65, but certainly not a majority. Most of the 85-plus age patients coming to us express concern of course about weight related morbidities such as their diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea etc. I never really gave much thought to the confidence/self esteem/desire to obtain an enhanced aesthetic appearance as their motivation.

The physician I spoke to yesterday who sees far greater number of geriatric patients emphasized to me just how important this factor is in her patients'quest to lose weight. Yes, they are concerned about their medical co-morbidities but not unlike our 40 year olds, they want to feel more appealing to themselves and others physically.

Weight loss makes us look younger, healthier and we can wear clothes that display our health, not hide our weight. No matter what age, losing weight makes us feel better in many ways.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

weight loss and confidence

We have selected Saturday, June 19 for the First Annual Serotonin-Plus Fashion Show...Location will be the Bobby McKeys piano bar at the National Harbor in Maryland right over the Wilson Bridge...We are going to be working with a local charity, as the charity part of this function willl be to donate clothes to people who can ill-afford professional clothes for trying to get back into the workplace....

The inspirational part: Showing that when a person loses weight, that person can feel self-confident enough to stroll on a stage in front of others to wear something he/she never would have considered proudly wearing in front of others. When we lose weight, we gain a whole lot of self-confidence. We are asking our patients who have seen many sizes go down to be a part of our very fun event. These same patients will be asked to donate their clothes that no longer fit.

I wrote Michelle Obama a letter yesterday inviting her to this function, as she is focusing many efforts on bringing greater awareness and intervention of childhood obesity. Weight problems in children begin with the parents. We are trying to heighten awareness of the national epidemic of obesity. Losing weight makes us healthier but also makes us more self-confident. A higher self-esteem makes us happier people. Being healhier makes us happier. Taking less medications makes us happier. Lets all strive to be happier.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

weight loss and planning

This week I had several patients whose week was challenging in the weight loss arena because of a very hectic schedule. These patients found themselves making "decisions on the run", meaning that there was no meal or exoercise planning involved, so they would up making quick food choices and no exercise. That is a formula for weight gain.

Planning your meals and snacks is a very important part of a long-term weight loss strategy. I suggest that you take the time, on your quietist day of the week (Sunday?) to sit down with a piece of paper and plot out your week. For instance, if you know that a certain day will involve travel, what snacks will you bring with you? What eating facility in the airport can deliver a high protein/high vegetable meal? If you need to attend a soccor game that ends late, what type of dinner will you have?

Write down each day and PLAN how you will approach your eating activities. A small amount of planning will go a very long way in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

weight loss and The Biggest Loser

I would like to credit Ellen for providing the above link concerning the very popular show , "The Biggest Loser"

I must admit I do not watch that show because it conflicts with SOAPNET...come on, just teasing, Posner will watch sports and movies on TV but not series!

Anyway, I am certainly aware of the premise of the show, which basically is about people vying to win a 250K prize for losing the most weight in a certain period of time.

The above link discusses the medical issue that losing weight too quickly is DANGEROUS. From gallbladder problems to electrolyte changes, abrupt weight loss can put a person at risk for serious medical issues.

This is why the liquid diet plans, the 500 calorie a day HCG programs are NOT, in my opinion, a "healthy" way to lose weight. If the calorie count is above 1000 a day, I believe people are in a safe zone.

The other thjing I love about "reality" shows is the complete lack of reality....anyone reading this blog: are you being paid 250K to lose weight? Any one of you reading this: are you going to have your 30 minutes of TV fame by losing weight? No, none of you all have jobs, family responsibilities, and other issues that make llosing weight very difficult. You are PAYING to lose weight, no one is paying you....THIS IS REALITY...not The Biggest Loser.

Losing weight aggressively, but gradually and learning new behavior patterns and lifestyle changes is what will help you achieve your weight loss goals and maintain them...this is reality.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weight loss and fast food restaurants

When you track the progression of the increasing prevalence of obesity in America, it parallels the growth of fast food restaurants. Commercials for fast food places dominate the TV airways, inundating not only us, but especially children with their compelling advertisements.

In our program, we plead with our patients NOT to EVER go to a fast food place...they are tricked into believing there are "healthy" choices available....but even the salads, yogurts, burgers without the buns....all of these are NOT compatible with weight loss efforts. Moreover when you enter these places, the smells of the fries, the temptation to purchase their value meals...all of these will eventually result in you giving in to the urge to go back to old behaviors. Similar to the reforming gambler-holic who should never enter a casino, a person with weight control problems should never go into a fast food restaurant.

From a economically-depressed family situation, fast food restaurants provide more calories per dollar than any other alternatives and the rate of childhood obesity is higher in the lower socioeconomic groups.

Obesity is killing us as a society and the rate of childhood obesity is especially alarming and portends catastrophic consequences for America. Kudos to Ms. Obama for becoming actively involved in this major national health crisis. If I could HAVE IT MY WAY or THINK OUTSIDE THE BUN, I would tax the daylights out of these places to pay for all the healthcare needs they are causing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

weight loss and nuts

Sorry to hit you again with this one but yesterday I saw several patients whose weight loss efforts this week were derailed by eating that snack source I constantly rag on...NUTS.

I usually hear: "But THEY say that nuts are Almonds are good for you..."

Once again, who are "THEY"??? "THEY" are not experienced in helping people lose weight. When people have had an upturn in their weight, the first two questions I ask are about alcohol usage and then nuts.....

Nuts are NOT a good food source to use when you are in a mode to lose weight. Quite frankly, any small, repetitive food source that is NOT a vegetable (popcorn, trail mix, nuts, raisins, etc) are usually derailing for weight loss efforts.

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

weight loss and Acai Berry

Okay, Posner has hit his breaking point concerning pop-ups discussing how "Acai Berry" is some ground-breaking" advance in achieving weight loss.

What the heck is Acai Berry??....sounds like something that should be in Marguerita.

Once again, corporate America pouncing on the fragile human psyche as this relates to everyone's dream for a "miracle weight loss pill".

How many products have you seen that have lasted beyond their five months of fame??? Cortislim??? Relacore??? Alli???

These products get lots of hype, they scam the daylights out of everyone, and then they disappear because THEY DO NOT WORK.

Weight loss is is behavior is giving up to a large extent the high-caloric foods that out the weight is giving up alcohol is incorporating exercise into your is WORK....but the work is so worth while....becoming healthier, happier, looking younger, haviung more confidence and self-esteem, etc.

Do not be scammed....and if you buy Acai Berry, crush it, put it into a blender, add some marguerita mix, some tequila and enjoy least you will get something out of the money you p---d away.

Friday, February 19, 2010

weight loss and aging

Yesterday I performed routine medical exams on a married couple...they are in my medical practice and not the Serotonin Program. The husband is 76 years old and the wife 65. The reason I am writing this entry about them is the following: It was amazing to me how they both looked so young for their respective ages. He looked no older than 60 and she about 48. It was incredible how young they both looked and I had to ask them how this is achieved.

First, they both never smoked cigarettes and alcohol usage has been a bare minimum over the years. They also told me they "eat healthy". When I further queried them about this, they explained that they eat lots of vegetables, protein is much more poultry anf fish as opposed to red meat and very little fat in the diet. They also said that they limited their sun exposure over the years. Exercise still occurs pretty much 4-5 times a week. For the husband, he did 200 pushups a day...200 at age 76! Wow!

"Anti-aging" clinics focus lots on laser treatments, botox, fillers etc. Living "healthy" and keeping weight under control is the most powerful "anti-aging" effect and is much more powerful than store-bought efforts.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

weight loss and airlines

This past weekend we flew to Florida on a very interesting airline called Spirit. Kind of like a sardine can..packed in beyond belief with the space between your seat and the one in front of you minimalistic. When the person in front of you decided to put the seat back it was almost like you had the seat in your lap. As an aside, I saw on the news that Mitt Romney had an incident on an airloine where some guy physically attacked him when Romney complained about the guy putting the seat back. (I feel like attacking those people on airplanes who insist on bringing their onion infested burgers on the plane and eating it next to you....why cant they eat it at the terminal???) I also saw on the news that a pretty famous director was escorted off of a Southwest airline because he diod not adhere to that airlines policy of buying 2 seats if the persons size was such that their body spilled over to another seat.

Bottom line: flying airlines becomes particularly worrisome for markedly overweight people as they now need to worry about public humiliation or paying more money or bein g in credibly uncomfortable when the person in front puts the seat back. I have had some patients tell me they will not fly certain airlines because they are known to have smaller seatbelts. Travel plans can be limited because of these concerns. Losing weight makes all of these situations less of an issue....yet another great reason to be diligent in our efforts to become healthier and happier by losing weight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program and costs

This morning I read an excellent comment yesterday concerning the fees for our program and I thought it would be a good idea to address this in my blog this morning.

There is absolutely no question that our program costs more than many commercial programs such as Weight Watchers. However, a number of these commercial programs have "hidden" fees such as the selling of their foods, vitamins, bars, shakes etc. Moreover, our program is much more aggressive than these programs, and our 12-week weight loss rates are much greater. Our services include the availability of a fulltime registered dietician, body scanning even when finished with our program and other supportive issues that persist (such as this blog) even past your program visits.

Concerning other "medically supervised" programs, our fees are quite on level with these and we do not administer HCG shots, B-12 shots or sell foods to patients. Moreover, I know that our level of support exceeds by far and away other physician programs out there. Many doctor programs are little more than dispensing diet pills, giving B-12 shots and collecting your money. I know this from hearing the experiences of many patients who went to these programs before finding ours.

We started this program 7.5 years ago and it cost 1000 dollars for 12 weeks. Now, we charge upfront 1200...that is a 20% increase in 7.5 years or about 2.7% increase per year. I know that our expenses in the office increase more than that per year.

I do realize that this is a very bad economic time and money for everyone is precious. I have previously discussed the concept of "investment in yourself" meaning that when the stock market tanks, our portfolios decrease, it becomes apparent that we have to work more years and if God forbid we became ill, we may lose the opportunity to work. Staying healthier ensures the abiliuty to work longer and generate more money. Also, as wrong as this concept is, studiees habve shown that people in better physical shape have better chances of employment and advancement. Investing in your inner heath and outer appearance is the best investment you can make.

One way to conserve to conserve funds is come to us every two weeks. We will use phentermine at half dosage, serotonin at full dosage, feel free to come in and use our scale once a week and we will see you (and you will only be charged) every 2 weeks. This would apply if you have been in during the past year. If it has been more than a year we do need to do the medical clearance and begin the process again to assure safety.

We will always do our best to help our patients but we also have to establish a "fair" system where people are not paying varying rates. Also, we do have a "referral program" in which you get free visits for every patient you refer into our program. Please stop by for the referral cards that ensure our tracking of this.

Weight loss should not only be available to people who can afford it. We also have the Adam Katz Memorial program that is placing two patients in the program for free per month.

I want to thank all of our patients for being a part of our program and on a daily basis you provide the staff and me the opportunity to be a part of your improving health and confidence.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

weight loss and exercise

One of the very important components of a long-term strategy for weight loss is an exercise program. For most people, including me, exercise does not feel good when you are doing it. When I play tennis, the competitive nature of that activity distracts me and I really do not feel that I am exercising. However, running on a treadmill is a different story...boring..knees hurting,..repetitive, UGH.

One of the neagative reinforcement cycles of being overweight is that it is more difficult to exercise. Trying to move around the exgra weight becomes more difficult and therefore the exercise undertaken becomes more arduous because it doesnt feel very easy or good. When 20, 30, 40 or more pounds are lost, it becomes much easier to exercise and therefore a person is not as loathe to do it.

No one in our clinic expects our patients to go out and start running marathons. However, a program may be started slowly and incorporated into your weekly activities. As weight is being lost, it will become easier to exercise and therefore perceived as less burdensome. But you must have a regular program...schedule it as if it was an important meeting....3-4 times a week and hopefully more. Also, try to find the activity that is least ill-perceived by you...some people hate treadmills....then perhaps an exercise bike or elliptical is better.

Attacking both ends of the equation....calories taken in/calories burning important for long term weight control.

Monday, February 15, 2010

weight loss and energy

Assessing your own energy levels is difficult as there is relly no "objective" way of evaluating this. Some things are "quantifiable" such as your weight, body fat %, glucose levels etc. But how does one "measure" their energy levels?

One of the negative issues of carrying around excessive weight is the toll it usually takes on global energy. As the weight gain does not occur overnight, neither does the progresive decline in energy levels. The reduction is subtle, steady and it is easy to be lulled into thinking the hglobal ebergy decrease is because of stresss at work, not enogh sleep, too much chasing the chilkdrens activities etc.

However, one of the byproducts of siginifican weight loss that our patients inform us of is the wonderful increase in energy they feel. When we lose weighjt, we are taking pounds off of our joints, making our hearts work less hard, reducing sleep apnea symtoms etc. The loss of weight is almost always accompanied by an increase in energy.

Take a step back and assess your own energy you feel lots of good energy or do you feel tired and not motivated?

Another great reason to focus on weight control is the wonderful energy increase you will experience.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

weight loss and Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to all...

Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak with a doctor from Sweden and we were discussing the weight problem in America as opposed to her country. She told me that people in her country can eat high-caloric foods in moderation, such as ice cream, but they tend to exercise much more allowing for the high-caloric foods to not adversely impact on the weight.

I think there is much more to this, as I have mentioned previously, a person can undo 6 great days of watching food intake and exercise by losing control one day and eating lots of high-caloric foods or drinking alcohol. I do believe that there are genetic varibles to some extent that dictate metabolic issues which impact on weight. Certain people/groups cannot get away with eating ice cream, pie, drinking alcohol etc. without suffering negative impact on weight issues.

Okay...back to the title....Valentines Day: Hopefully your loved ones did NOT buy you candies and other sabotaging food sources as a show of love for Valentines Day. If they did, do not succumb to the temptation...these are not "sweets, treats or goodies"...anything that makes you less healthy and less happy is a saboteur and treat it as such...give it away to a person who has no weight problems. If going out to lunch or dinner, make those food choices smart ones that are compatible with your quest to become healthier and happier.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Weight loss and body measurements

We are in Ft. Lauderdale at a primary medical doctor convention and we are at the GE booth with their INBODY scale which is the body measurement device in our office.

Just monitoring weight and no other parameters as a person is going through a weight loss effort does not provide a complete picture. Showing the person how the percentage body fat and lean muscle mass is chnaging provides more comprehensive data which is helpful to the person psychologically. Sometimes the number of the scale does not change drastically, yet the % body fat shows an impressive decline.

I encourage everyone that was previouslty in our program to periodically come out (once a month) and get your INBODY scan. There is absolutely no charge for this service. Set this up as an appointment on your schedule so you feel as if you are going to a doctor's appointment. This may provide some sort of "accountability" which always helps in weight loss efforts. By stopping in once a month for this scan, if by chance the weight or body fat unfortunately went up significantly, you can stay for a one-time appointment to help you get back on track. This would prtevent anyone from going out and putting lots of weigth back on.

Friday, February 12, 2010

weight loss and physicians Part Deux

I appreciate MHartleyDC's comment about the positive aspect of "encouragement" as this relates to helping people with their weight loss efforts. There are many opportunities for DIS couragement to take place..usually discouragement at one's own self for not being able to achieve siginifcant weight loss without help. For everyone out there: PLEASE do not get discouraged in your efforts to become healthier and happier. There will be some weeks when you get on that scale and the number may have gone up. Turn this negative feeling into resolve...make the next week a much more aggressive weight loss week. Always focus on the reasons as to why it is so important for you to lose weight. Use these reasons as positive motivation and do not allow negativism into the mix.

I reviewed the topics of the medical lectures that are at the conference I am attending. NONE about weight loss in the primary care setting. This leaves me incredulous...the most important health problem facing America is not even addressed at a primary care physician continuing education credit conference. Welcome to the world of the training of physicians...based on treating disease states and not even a hint of approaching the prevention of the nations largest killer. I suppose learning aboutHIV/AIDS advances or treatment of obscure cancers is more interesting than learning how to combat obesity. For every AIDS patient there are probably hundreds of thousands of Americans who have potentially lethal or life-altering co-morbidities related to weight problems. Insurance companies will cover treatment for HIV/AIDS but will not cover weight loss programs for their subscribers. Hey, I am not minimizing the impact of HIV on people who contract it, but I am certainly making the point here that obesity affects tremendously more people and the impact on society of obesity eciipses by far and away any other medical condition. For the medical profession, government and insurance companies to minimize this is completely irresponsible and neglect in its highest medical form.

Okay, Posner will now go the gym, get dressed up and go to the convention center..and he better get off his soapbox as I am certain the conference organizers could care less what he thinks about what topic should be focused on, rather than neglected, at this convention.

weight loss and

Thursday, February 11, 2010

weight loss and Physicians

Yesterday I was seeing stories about the First Lady becoming very involved with a campaign targeting childhood obesity. As I have mentioned previously, the life expectancy of the younger generation is LESS THAN their parents' generation. This is because of the epidemic of childhood obesity. This problem has incredible ramifications for the national health, healthcare expenditures, etc. I applaud the efforts of the First Lady and any other high profile politician/actor/actress to become involved with putting a higher focus on this problem.

I am supposed to go to a conference today (good luck at the airport) of primary care physicians. The INBODY body composition device in our office is from General Electric and I am a "speaker/expert" for them. They have a device on the show floor of a primary care physician convention. I will be meeting many physicians ALL of whom have overweight patients in their practices. Yet, very few of these doctors take a proactive role in helping their patients lose weight. I am certain that most of them will recommend to their overweight patients with co-morbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, etc. that they lose weight. However, if losing weight was that easy, America would not be 68% overweight.

I do believe that every physician should be proactive in helping thier patients lose weight. I am not saying they need to have a full blown program such as ours, but there has to be more of an effort than just telling a person they need to lose weight (the overweight person knows this already) and handing them a 1200 calorie dietary sheet.

In most cases, overweight people are left to their own devices and then turn to the commercial programs such as buying Nutrisystems, supplements off the internet etc.

I do not blame my colleagues in primary care because the insurance companies have forced most into a volume-driven practice were there is virtually no time to really get intoi weight loss with the patients and moreover the insurance companies will not reimburse for nutritionists or otjher weight loss services. The insurance companies still do not get the concept that they would save much money by helping physicians prevent medical conditions rather than paying for the medications, hospitalizations etc that accompany the co-morbidities of obesity.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

weight loss, soda and cancer

The above link descibes a study that included 60,000 people in Singapore that demosntrated that people who drink sugar containing sodas had an 87% increase risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

Diabetes mellitus is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. This cancer has a terrible prognosis and life expectancy is usually less than 1 year from the diagnosis.

I have not seen data on this, but it is my strong suspicain that the obesity rate in adults who drink sugar based sodas is incredibly high, and obesity itself is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

The bottom line: A very serious cancer is attributable to all of the elements that are a byproduct oi or a cause of obesity. Losing weight makes us look younger, lessens heart disease risk, makes us happier and more self-confident, but also lessens the risk of numerous cancers including pancreatic. When we think of high-caloric food sources as "sweets, treats and goodies"...think again. They are anything but sweet and good for you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

weight loss and seasonal affective disorder

Pretty much all of us have felt the blues during the winter...less sunlight, being couped up in the house, etc...."SAD" or Seasonal Affective Disorder is felt by many people. A significant number of people need medication to combat the depression symptoms. The incessant snow storms hitting us right now isw resulting in even worse SAD for many.

As this relates to weight loss efforts, SAD will often lead to the "give up" mentality..i.e..."who cares?" This attitude results in abandoning your weight loss efforts, resorting to high-caloric foods as some sort of "treatment" and not coming in for your appointments if you are currently in our program.

Try your best to NOT fall into this trap and do NOT allow SAD to creep in and derail your efforts to become healthier and happier. Weight loss taking place now will set you up for a much happier spring and summer because when these winter clothes come off, you will be thrilled to see a healthier looking body. You will have more energy, more confidence, be healthier and feel much better about yourself in so many ways. Use this downtime becaause of the snow to exercise more. Do not let SAD enter your life!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weight loss and Valentines Day

Good "DCD"...please reroute your question to the "ask the doctor" part of our website...I like to use this forum for geenral discussions and not individual questions if possible...we will be happy to address your individual question....just write us/copy your query and send to the part of our website where we answer these questions....

To the topic: Valentines Day and Candy....wait ...why Candy??? can be flowers and a massage coupon (hey, Angela in our office does GREAT massages so consider a gift certificate for her!), flowers and a item of jewelry, flowers and a certificate for a shopping spree. NOT CANDY!

We are moved like chess pieces on a board by corporate America and the powers to be decide we shoudl buy candy..stores are full of these nicelty packaged boxes with stuffed animals on top, fancy bows, etc.....

If there are any overweight people in your circle who you buy Valentines gifts for, do NOT succumb to the "usual"..i.e. buying candy. If you give candy to an overweight person that is akin to buying alcohol for an alcoholic. Be helpful to your loved one's efforts, not sabotaging.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

weight loss and the "give up" mentality

Most, if not all people who have experienced weight control problems have gone through the cycle of losing weight and then gaining it back. This cycle tends to be repeated over and over. This is the "usual", NOT the unusual. We, as human beings, are built and wired to gain weight readily as opposed to losing it. From the better taste of high-caloric foods, to reward systems, sto metaboism slow-down to the nature of social and cultural gatherings (wlcome Superbowl weekend) to human nature factors: all of these make us a weight gaining specie. When we mentally decide to go into a weight losing mode, we are fighting very strong instinctual forces.

At times, we develop a mental fatigue that prompts us to want to throw our hands up and say "I've had enough...I am giving up." The counting of portions, mentating through our eating patterns, the foregoing of eating the food sources we love and feel comfortable eating...all of these require great effort and as much as I tell people to try not to look at losing weight as punitive and sacrifice, it is often looked at that way.

Write down a list of all the things in your world that are the most important to you....spouse, children, grandchildren, friends, etc....your occupation and how you impact others in a positive way etc....write these things down and think how much you would miss them if God forbid something happened horribly medically to you. The loved ones you would miss and the things and people in life that define you. Keep this list available and if you ever feel the "give up" mindset concerning your weight loss efforts, take out this list and remember all the reaons why you are choosing to be healthier and happier. This may help returning to "the zone" and positively apporaching your weight loss efforts.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

weight control and superbowl weekend

As if the snow is not enough of a challenge to stay on track in your efforts to be healthier and happier by losing weight, we have the Superbowl (Superbore usually) to provide a great opportunity for hurting your efforts. The food sources that usually accompany a persons Suiperbowl party will include a virtual "All You Can Eat" array of chips, nuts, carbohydrate choices and of course, the open bar.

If you are hosting a gathering, PLEASE have available LOTS of choices for people who are trying to keep weight under control. If you are going to someones house, bring as a gift some food source compatible with your efforts to lose weight. I guarantee you that there will be other people there who have a weight problem who would benefit from your healthy dish as opposed to the other array of items available. It is not fair, but it is true that one day of indulgence can wipe out the 6 days of great work you have done. Do not fall into this trap.

Oh, Posner Prediction: Indy 31, New Orleans 24

Friday, February 5, 2010

weight loss and snow

We already discussed the need to NOT use the next 48 hours as an episode of The Cooking Channel, but this morning's entry will focus more on health considerations.

Every year, many people experience their heart attacks or even death while shoveling snow. The combination of undetected corornary artery disease, risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity (smoking, high cholesterol, age over 60, family history of heart disease and being a male are the other ris factors) and extreme exertion under inclement conditions can make the "perfect storm" so to speak for a massive myocardial infarction.

I implore everyone out there to warn anyone you know who fits the above description to NOT get out there to do lots of heavy snow removel. If you have the resources, hire the multitude of people ringing doorbells looking for this work....they need the money lots and lets you stay inside. No macho stuff...let others do it. If you have children, put them to work (unless they are young enough to be considered too young for this of course).

If you do go out and feel ANY shortness of breath, chest pressure, dizziness, IMMEDIATELY stop and go back into the warm house and if symptoms persist, do NOT attribute it to "gas" 911,

Use this time in the house to exercise, and read the 650 blog entire I have written. Nah, exercise, read the ones last week you missed, watch some movies and plan some fun meals that are creative yet low-caloric. And most of all be careful and do not put your hralth at risk .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

weight loss and snow days

Another storm approaching...I was at Safeway last night and the mob scene was already present. When you take a step back and really think of the biggest snows here, I do not think there has been any storm which truly kept people isolated for more than 48 hours. Even in the biggest of storms, we are able to get in our cars and drive to the stores within 48 hours at the latest. How much milk, bread, toilet paper, etc can a family plow through in 48 hours? The run on the supermarkets in anticipation of a storm is to a alrge extent instinctual. It is similar to the squirrels burying their nuts. We feel compelled to have a house stocked with food and sundries to give us piece of mind that we will not go hungry or lack anything. Intellectually we know that all we really need is 2 days worth of food but we buy extraordinary amounts of food sources.

The temptation on these days is to start whipping up food in the kitchen. From snackfoods like popcorn to large meals to baking cakes and cookies....we feel compelled to fire up that stoove and take out lots of that food we bought (and waited on line to check out for).

These are the days that Posner tells you to use that exercise equipment that is in youtr basement. Also, create a novel dish in the kitchen that is LOW caloric. Buy some great protein source..lobster tails, a fine roast and spend lots of time seasoning it and slow cooking...make that feast high protein.

Do not let the snow days become "Uh oh" days.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

weight loss and guilt

I have covered this topic before but I see this weekly so let me hit on this one again: If you gain weight you are not "BAD" and you have not "CHEATED." We often equate the gaining of weight for being bad, and we self-loathe becasuse of it. Not only that, we then tend to NOT want to come in for your appointments or come back into our program for fear that somehow you will be value judged and we will be disappointed in you. Of course not! We UNDERSTAND the issues involved and the difficult nature of losing weight andd keeping it off. This is what we you lose weight. We NEVER judge or critically apporach the weight gain..we CONSTRUCTIVELY become involved medically and psychologically to help you get back on track to become healthier and happier.

Please NEVER feel embarrassed, guilty or "bad" if weight gain occurs. If you need our help to reverse this weight gain, never hesitate to call us.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

weight loss and support

It is very helpful to have lots of support along the way during your weight loss efforts. From family members to friends to co-workers, their support can be immensely helpful. Connversely, their actions can be derailing to your efforts. Have you been around any group of people at dinner and be implored to eat a high-caloric food source? "Oh come on, s small piece of cake can't hurt you..." "You look great right now, you dont have to lose anymore weight." These types of lines are all-too familiar and usually come from friends or elderly family members.

Sometimes your weight loss efforts initimidate other people, especially the ones in your world who are overweight. If a dessert tray comes to a dinner table and people around you are ordering desserts and you do not, then some guilt forms in the minds of those ordering. Guilt because your demonstration of control highlights their lack of the same. So if you are coerced to have a dessert, then everyone feels happier.

Support those around you in their weight loss efforts and do not be afraid to boldly state to anyone trying to derail your efforts that "it is important for me to lose weight and I would appreciate your help in my efforts." If you find that despite this plea, your "freinds" still persist in trying to derail your efforts, are they really your freinds?

Monday, February 1, 2010

weight loss and external incentives

I wrote an entry last week about Whole Foods giving a higher dicsount to their employees who are in better physical condition. I am rerading more articles about othe rcompanies providing cash incentives for their employees to become healtheir, most notably reduce weight. I am certain some of the concern on the management's part is the concern for the individual but I would bet most of it is based on wanting to reduce healthcare costs and missed time at work. Clearly, overweight people develop many more medical problems and are more likely tom drive up the medical costs as well as miss time at work due to illness.

Being incentivized to lose weight from outside sources is perhaps not the most noble reason to lose weight. We shoudl all feel the INTERNAL incentives to motivate ourselves. However, when you watch the ultimate EXTERNAL incentive program such as The Biggest Loser, these people are vying for millions of dollars and popularity for future money making gigs.No small wonder they can lose all that weight. If NBC paid all of you extraordinary amounts of moeny, I have no doubt that there woild not be one week that goes by where substantial weight loss did not occur.

Reality: you are not getting paid by anyone to lose weight and most of the places you work for may even in a clandestine manner, penalize you (less chances for promotion, greater chance of termination) for being overweight. Think of internal incentives (only allow yourself to get that new car, new dress, new jewelry item) that will help ypou motoivate to become healthier and happier.