Friday, October 2, 2009

weihht loss and attraction

Good morning....I want to expand on our topic yesterday and also direct you to the "anonymous" comment posted yesterday that was aslo very interesting.

About a year ago, I had a patient who trains physicians on certain x-ray machines tell me an interesting story. She said that when she was markedly overweight, the phssicians in the training roon would be poorly attentive to her lecture. She could tells that eyes were not on her, but rather their watches, out the window, etc. When she lost her 60 pounds, wearing nice dresses and such, she said the doctors couldnt keep their eyes off of her...she could tell there was a complete change in the "attention factor"..

This is not fair, it is not right, it is "old school" for people to be judged or attneded to when they look more fit or more appealing....but it is reality. People are driven more to people who aesthetically look good. Whether it be chemical or a learned behavior, people in shape and looking good will attract more attention.

Yes, we want to lose weight to be healthier, but yet the above does provide another good reason...not fair per se, but reality. Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I am a new patient participating in the SP diet. I work in a high profile job for the federal government with a lot of national visibility. Most of my work and my success depends on my appearance. Because of my weight, my career has suffered. I can't change other people's perceptions. I can change how I look and feel about myself. I have high hopes for succeeding in the SP weight loss program.

Jules said...

Society is sad and yet your post couldn't be further than the truth. Attractive people get more attention, statistically make more money, and are valued more as upper class than people that have "weight" issues. People that do have weight issues are over 50% of our society and should be valued and looked at with the same eyes, same attention and same focus as attractive, more "fit", "in shape" people. It's how you feel inside but as humans, its in our nature to want to succeed, do well, be loved and be looked at and treated equally.