Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Neil Diamond and Weight Loss your attention with that title, huh? What does Neil Diamond have to do with topics about weight loss? I do remember a movie which contained a classic line: "There are two types of people in the world...those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't." Well, I happen to be one of the former. He was at the Verizon Center last night belting out all those tunes I remember first hearing when I was a teenager growing up in Queens...."Sweet Caroline, do, do do..." "Cracklin' Rosie get on board..." He had the place rocking (as much as you can get a group of aging boomers with arthritic knees, sore backs and enlarged prostates "rocking"). The guy must be late 60's and his voice was was excellent and his songs sure did bring back lots of memories of growing up in the 60s and 70s.

Okay: what does this have to do with a blog about weight loss? No, Neil was in GREAT shape...appeared quite trim and fit and certainly did not appear overweight. Here goes: the food choices at the Verizon Center...HORRIBLE for those trying to lose weight. We saw (word of the day: Sweet Caroline) so many people eating cheese dripping nachos, fried chicken fingers, fries, popcorn, large pretzels, large cups of beer, etc. The concert started at 8PM leaving people plenty of time to do dinner before the performance either at home or a restaurant that offered a better selection of foods and drinks that are more compatible for a weight-conscious person. Planning your meals is a very important aspect of long term control of weight, and when you know you have an event at a place that will not offer you good choices, please plan your night out so as to avoid the necessity of eating at the stadium/arena.

And for those of you who are laughing at me for going to a Neil Diamond concert (such as my kids), next time you find yourself belting out at the National's game "Sweet Caroline", please think of your Brooklyn born, boomer doc!

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